Re: 有無青衣住盈翠半島客有意自組playgroup

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amandamama | 2007-03-22 17:22
I already ask Club House, the responce is you are visitor invited by resident and rent to the function room for private party usage, so you can enter to the club house
universe | 2007-03-22 18:15
I am interested to let my sons to join your playgroup


寶寶 歲數 媽媽
1) 天鉞 (13個月大) Jade W
2) 少淇 (14個月大) Jade W
3) Sam Lau (13個月大) Cheque
4) John (18個月大) 柑桔
5) Hei Long (24個月大) Erniema
6) Naomi (13個月大) Natalie
7) 天佑(14個月大) JoshuaN
8) RS1216 Baby Girl (17個月大) RS1216
9) Universe two boys (16 months) Julian & Jonathan


universe | 2007-03-22 18:55
Sorry I overlooked the start date will be in May as
we will not be able to join in May. We can only join in April.

Sorry for the trouble.

寶寶 歲數 媽媽
1) 天鉞 (13個月大) Jade W
2) 少淇 (14個月大) Jade W
3) Sam Lau (13個月大) Cheque
4) John (18個月大) 柑桔
5) Hei Long (24個月大) Erniema
6) Naomi (13個月大) Natalie
7) 天佑(14個月大) JoshuaN
8) RS1216 Baby Girl (17個月大) RS1216
JadeW | 2007-03-22 21:09
嘩 夠人啦~

點樣付款, 最終既活動時間同日期

amandamama | 2007-03-22 21:56
很高興這麼快便齊人,請各位媽咪PM我留下e-mail address and telephone no. 給予詳細繳費手續

寶寶 歲數 媽媽
1) 天鉞 (13個月大) Jade W (收到資料)
2) 少淇 (14個月大) Jade W (收到資料)
3) Sam Lau (13個月大) Cheque
4) John (18個月大) 柑桔
5) Hei Long (24個月大) Erniema
6) Naomi (13個月大) Natalie
7) 天佑(14個月大) JoshuaN (收到資料)
8) RS1216 Baby Girl (17個月大) RS1216

而且Universe , 看錯了日期。請問妳的小朋友會否參與?還有一位媽媽婷婷豬也有興趣

Playgroup 13 ~ 27 Apr 16:00 - 17:00

請快回覆,方便安排導師朋友幫手及訂function room

cheque | 2007-03-23 14:17
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
universe | 2007-03-23 18:53
Yes I am okay to join the Friday only not available on April 27. If this is okay please book me in for two boys.

Thank you.
amandamama | 2007-03-23 21:35
Update Info

寶寶 歲數 媽媽
1) 天鉞 (13個月大) Jade W (收到資料)
2) 少淇 (14個月大) Jade W (收到資料)
3) Sam Lau (13個月大) Cheque (收到資料)
4) John (18個月大) 柑桔
5) Hei Long (24個月大) Erniema
6) Naomi (13個月大) Natalie
7) 天佑(14個月大) JoshuaN (收到資料)
8) RS1216 Baby Girl (17個月大) RS1216
9) Universe two boys (16 months) Julian & Jonathan (收到資料) -- only join 13 & 20 Apr

We are still waiting some mami send the contact info to us

Please reply
MrsBunBun | 2007-03-24 00:15
i have 2 girls, one is 26months old and my little one is just 2 months old, is my elder one too old to join?
Marina88 | 2007-03-24 00:52
請問仲加唔加到人呀? 我都係住青衣, BB過幾日就13個月.

Hi, JadeW! :mrgreen:
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