Re: BB聽力測試

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PEGGYP | 2005-10-13 21:52
HI 各位好,

我有D疑難想請教大家, BB昨天去母嬰健康院做第一次OAE TEST, 但一邊耳PASS, 一邊耳FAILED... 姑娘話可能胎水會影響結果 , 二星期后再去TEST,(BB現在25日大, 開刀生), 請問大家可否給我一些意見及經驗....因我非常擔心 :-(

Shiba_Inu | 2005-10-14 06:50
Hi Peggyp,

Don't worry, it's not uncommon to have false negative OAE result during the first test. Secondly, hearing loss usually occurs on both sides rather than one in that young age. Thirdly, if it's really a confirmed hearing loss at one side, the effect on baby's speech development is not really very big (see my previous message about unilateral HL if u can find it).

So wait for the second test result and see. Good luck!
PEGGYP | 2005-10-14 14:39
HI Shiba,

多謝你的回應....聽過你既意見同睇過之前既分享, 我的心情平靜了好多.
可能因為當日failed左個test 時, 我問姑娘個bb係咪有弱聽...佢就答我"就算係, 現在有手語同助聽器, 好方便.." 個刻心情真係好down, 成晚都訓唔到..
照你說法, 弱聽係咪多數兩邊耳仔同時發生, 如一邊有影響係咪會輕微d呢??
:-? :-?
twinboysmom | 2005-12-12 16:29
Hi Shiba-Inu & other moms,

My little twin boys were born extremely preterm and underweighed. Both of them have passed teh Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR) test. However, the elder BB cannot pass the PAE EPS (the younger BB has not yet undergone the test). Both pa and I are very worry.

Would anyone tell me what is the different of AABR and PAE EPS? What is the implication on the BB's hearing ability?

P.S. It is so encouraging and helpful to visit this chat room which contains so much professional information and support.
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