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hykathly | 2006-06-10 19:20

Today I learn the school fee for coming school year is :

Primary - HKD4,200
Sceondary _ HKD5,800 (maybe HKD5,400, cannot hear very well)

of curse plus school bus, lunch, instrument.
(do you hv any opinion for the lunch box)

WYmom | 2006-06-10 20:25
Secondary fee is $5800 this year, and the principal said that they are in fact still losing with this amount, it should be higher, so may be more in future.
G-Ma | 2006-06-10 20:31
ChristyMamie | 2006-06-10 23:39

REsponse to yr pt. 1 & 4:
Actually, I'm not worry about PTH lesson because my daughter is not familiar in Cantonese, she learned Mandarin started from Playgroup to K.3, and she has a private Mandarin Teacher as well. Her PinYin is very good, she can read new vocabulary from dictationary as well. So she can keep the standard until P.2. Do they offer some special class for the kids who are fluent in Mandarin and English? My daughter is from International School and her English reading level is up to Ginn / Level 8. She loves reading and writing very much. Do they have an Entrance Exam for different language standard?
Can you name the three principals - Cheng Tak Kin from PLK no. 1... ???

What is the color of the school bag, shoes, sneakers and jacket for summer??

Do they provide some small toilet for P.1 kids? any stepping chair for potty? My daughter is in petit size, she can't reach or sit on the potty ( for adult size ) by herself. I'm quite worry.... and last question is when will CKY sent us enrollment letter?

thank you so much.
Prema | 2006-06-13 00:46
SueWin | 2006-06-14 20:50
TomDog | 2006-06-20 12:29
女兒正讀Victoria K1, 但我最近也開始去了解其他小學和報法, 看完大家的發表後, 我對CKY開始很感興趣, 可是我們目前因為要住近家人關係 (家人日間照顧小女), 住香港天后區, 好像校車不到, 有沒有人知道自行找媬母車多少$和車程大概多長? 謝謝!
Chau444 | 2006-06-20 13:52
各位CKY家長, 您們好! 小女亦於9月入讀CKY, 所以一直有留意大家的留言, 讓我加深了對學校的認識, 亦同時感受到您們對小朋友學習的重視及誠意, 日後還望您們多多指教.

雖然小女尚是CKY的準學生, 但有空時, 我都會和她進入學校的網頁, 讓她看大家的CLASS PHOTO(小朋友古靈精怪扮鬼臉), 又讓她看大家的功課作業, 舞蹈比賽片段等等, 藉此幫助她了解CKY多一點, (老公笑說女兒已成為CKY的FANS), 現在我們一家是十分期待9月的來臨!!!!

此外, 月前知道劉校長捐款HK$150萬一事, 我們亦深受感動, 亦覺得CKY的學生十分有福氣, 願女兒能在CKY愉快學習成長. :-P :-P :-P
Chocoball | 2006-06-20 14:32
Dear Chau444

Congratulations on your girl entering CKY.

Can you share with me the interview format of CKY?

Many thanks!
Chau444 | 2006-06-20 15:52

多謝您的祝賀, 關於CKY面試的情況是分兩次. 第一次小朋友分別到各班房進行活動, 手持一張記錄卡, 具體進行了那些活動, 我不是很了解, 因每次女兒面試後都不願意告知詳情. 面試時間約一個多小時, 面試後她很開心, 似乎是玩而非覺得是考試. 在等候的過程中, 家長則需要填寫問卷, 並校方會個別核對資料.

記得去年校方說約有1200人申請, 經過第一次面試, 會挑選400人進行第二次面試, 所以我覺得小朋友第一次面試的表現十分關鍵.

而第二次面試, 由劉校長及主任與三個家庭一起進行, 會讓每個家庭發言, 而有些問題問小朋友時, 會叫小朋友舉手回答, 但最終都會讓每個小朋友回答問題. 內容十分輕鬆, 我覺得不用刻意準備, 只要小朋友願意清楚回答問題便可.

以上希望您有一個概念, 或許您可回顧去年10月-12月之留言, 祝一切順利. :wink: :wink:
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