father_ho | 2006-06-21 14:35 |
Dear kyliema2006, For establishment of private book sharing club, I don't think it is necessary since school recommend parent to donate used books to school lib. for sharing since they still need lots of book to cater the increasing nos. of student. Indeed, they also started the mentor program for the upper grade student to guide the followers in the context of reading. For potential or existing parent of CKY, if your kids is a girl, you may try the Barbara Park series which is a bit easier than MTH . You can take a glance at the following web: http://www.randomhouse.com/teachers/junieb/guides.html Thanks, |
curry123 | 2006-06-21 16:57 |
Hi Kyliema, The muisc orientation will be held on 14-15/7. However, my son has class on the 14/7. I don't know what to do. Besides, I have the same problem as you. My son has learnt Cello for a period. He doesn't want to vhange. :-? |
kunggi201 | 2006-06-21 17:29 |
Quote: kyliema2006 寫道: 若我兒現在已學緊小提琴(仲係好唔識嗰隻),經學校揀完及特定指派後,咁咪可能要轉科!話學緊小提琴有無著數? :roll: ;-) 以我所知,我孩子班大部份小朋友是學緊兩件樂器 如:自已學緊piano, 在學校學其他 (e.g. violin, carinet....) 又或者,自已學緊violin,在學校學打鼓...等等等 (聽孩子說,有一個同學,學緊三樣樂器) 每次音樂課,老師都會叫佢地自願性地表演佢地的樂器 大半班學生都會彈琴或拉violin 另外,有關books exchange. Sorry 啦,我孩子愛書如命,叫佢捐佢的書俾學校都唔肯(次次捐書,其實係買書來捐),所以嘛,join唔到啦,抱歉.. |
curry123 | 2006-06-21 19:03 |
Kunggi201, 請問校內學樂器每組有多少人?是否在weekdays放學後? 孩子在校內學習進度怎樣?抱歉有這麼多問題?我朋友女兒在APS學樂器,但因每group人數多,最後還是要自己找老師。 Please give me some advice. Thx. |
kunggi201 | 2006-06-21 21:11 |
我孩子的樂器組共6人, 其他組大致一樣 每星期有特定一堂55分鐘樂器堂,不用在放學後上課 學生要在手冊記下每天在家練樂器時間 進度?視乎小朋友有沒有練習,很難說 |
curry123 | 2006-06-21 22:10 |
Kunggi201, Thx a lot. You are so helpful. :-D |
broccoli | 2006-06-21 22:42 |
Can CKY parents advise which no. of bus route or minibus can reach the existing CKY campus? I mean from Kowloon side to CKY. Though I have been there two times, I just know to go by taxi. |
rhythmwawa | 2006-06-22 00:19 |
I only know you can take Bus No.81 to the school, you may take off at "Caldecotte Road" stop. You can find the bus station on Nathan Road(北行方向). From Jordan Road to Boundary Street, it is very easy to find one on Nathan Road. :lol: |
broccoli | 2006-06-22 08:54 |
Dear rhythmwawa, Thanks for your help. :-D |
kyliema2006 | 2006-06-22 10:31 |
得悉CKY會安排學生到外地交流,曾辦北京及台灣交流團。一般情況下,是哪級學生及哪類學生會被挑選?另外,亦聞校長欲申請國內及外國學生到CKY作交流生,請問此計劃能否落實呢? :roll: :roll: |