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joanneheungyy | 2006-06-26 11:46
Hi SueWin,

Thanks for asking. Below quoted was about our interview; I have talked about it in another topic. Result is not very positive, let's see what happens.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

joanneheungyy 寫道:
Yes, we joined the interview on Sat. We waited for about 2 hrs before we meet Principal Lau. Since she knew there were serious delays of interview appointments, we only meet her for 5-10mins together with another family.

My husband said I was a bit nervous and didn't respond too well. My child was very nervous, she seemed very shy and didn't talk loud enough. I was a bit disappointed, but believe we have tried our best.

joanneheungyy 寫道:
P.1 had their registration on the same morning. Principal Lau talked to the parents of new students before she started to interview. As she said, some of the talks/interviews were a bit long, and caused serious delays.

I feel bad as other parents might talk for over 20mins with Principal Lau, but we only have 5-10mins shared with another family. The interview was rather rush and superficial. We don't really have the chance to leave a good impression.

According to CKY parents, the admin. of CKY has much room for improvement. I agree, but believe the teaching quality and curriculum are far more important. So, still have a strong desire for my child to be admitted to CKY.

father_ho | 2006-06-26 12:56
Dear joanneheungyy,

Please be patient to the result, the school had scheduled too many functions in this few days and they are exhausted(ie. P1 reg., P2 and higher grade new intake, student practising the coming fund raising music concert at different location, marking student assessment scripts and preparing school report to existing parent at 7-7-06). I don't think you will have the result before wed. this week since concert will hold on Tue. night. Anyway, parent had the 2nd interview chance will be much easier to contact school afterwards (if failed) and school will accommodate as long as seats available (that's my feeling towards principal Lau).

Good luck.

joanneheungyy | 2006-06-26 13:24
Hi father_ho,
Thanks for your feedback. I have no intension to blame the school for the long delay and too short an interview. This is life, sometimes, it is a matter of luck. Also, I am mentally prepared for admin. issues with new schools like CKY.
One teacher mentioned the result will be around early July, but no exact date.

amandalyy2002 | 2006-06-26 14:38
Hi father ho
Are you part of PTA member in CKY. How many years that your child has been stayed in this school?
father_ho | 2006-06-26 23:24
Dear amandalyy2002,

I am not the member of PTA since I had lots of unschedule work. My son is in P3 now. Also be patient to the result.

3b | 2006-06-27 11:16
Chau444 寫道:
剛從CKY網頁得知, 7月8日上午會舉行07-08年度小一簡介會, 如有興趣, 請致電學校留座. (TEL : 21482052)

唔該晒 ! 今朝已經打左電話去學校留座 (9:00-10:30), 希望聽完之後對cky及IB 課程加深認識. ;-)
maggiefok | 2006-06-27 12:13

AvaBB | 2006-06-27 12:28
monkeymei | 2006-06-27 12:50
Hi, father_ho,

I've walked through quite a lot of your sharings regarding the education systems you've undergone and the one you've picked for your kid.
I've similiar study path as yours or most of the local Hong Kong parents nowadays -> the terrible "duck stuffing" system. Yes, we scored high in public exams but it also killed some of our lateral thinking cells. I discovered this when I came out to work in a business world also during my MBA study with a team of classmates with different cultural backgrounds. I appreciate the believe of CKY and their model of education, but, allow me having a bit of concerns. That is, they're not going to have any exams / tests (correct me if I'm wrong), will it be too protecting them from pressure. I can imagine the kids there are studying happily and they will be having the knowledge also, but as being a "normal" parent who already used to have tests / exams in my entire student life. there's still some worries for me. Hope you understand my points and would be glad to have your sharings.

monkeymei :-?
Chau444 | 2006-06-27 13:46

不用客氣, 舉手之勞而已. 此外, 上星期六我剛出席完2006年小一入學家長會, 劉校長說, 今次7月8日學校簡介會, 會把學生們的功課展示予家長觀看(是新增加的, 去年學校簡介會並沒有), 相信亦有助您多了解CKY的學術程度及其教學方法.

2nd interview全程用廣東話進行, 不用擔心, 而且氣氛不是很嚴肅, 不用緊張. :wink: :-P :pint:
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