Re: 入女拔是否要睇家底?

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mrsho | 2004-10-05 15:02
cher_mummy 寫道:

以前收生同唔同而家?! 以前係唔係直資/私校???

Are you asking me? If yes, the girl just entered this year so she is in P.1 now.
YCPA | 2004-10-05 15:02

it is so dramatic!!! If it's really the case, then those who enter the school but then do not have much achievement will surely have a tragic fate. What a pity!

Can any DGJS parent share some positive thing about this school? So far most thing about this school is really negative. Is it because most of us here is losers in the game (no offense)? :mrgreen:
titichu | 2004-10-05 15:09
mrsho | 2004-10-05 15:24
Why do you think it is negative? For me, the information is quite positive. At least I know some of their standard.

The interview was in Chinese.

Msma | 2004-10-05 15:29

但要我填致自己係xx 主席/董事,住皇府灣,嘉慧園我真係寫唔落手。 :mrgreen:
JJ1122 | 2004-10-05 15:30
你interview完可唔可以分享下呀到時? 我遲你幾日咋. 聽講係中文interview. 總之校長用中文問就中文答, 英文問就英文答. 佢用中文但係你答英文都會fail. 幼稚園老師就話一定要有笑容, 有禮貌, 通常有看圖問題, 叫我地訓練小朋友留意圖晝入面周邊既細微野, 因為校長會留意小朋友既觀察力. 祝好運呀.
cher_mummy | 2004-10-05 15:35
But, why they want to know parents' occupation? The children now not their students. If my child being their student, then I agree to give my information to the school. :evil:
flowerglassy | 2004-10-05 15:37
看了這些朋友的留言,我認為名校所以成續好,因為他們吸引好學生去叩門,換句話說,想去叩門的,差極有限,這是一種互動關係。我的女今年也會去考DGJS,但我並不抱很大希望,因為我沒有為個女安排很多興趣班,她可說是空白一片。因為我極希望她在人生的最初幾年,能好好享受真正的無憂無慮,人生幾十年,我不相信她的將來會因為在幼稚園時沒有豐富的成就,入不到名校就永遠失敗。我不過一個普通人,我想個女考DGJS,因為它是良好傳統的學校,學生質素好,小孩唔會學壞。我也曾想過校長怎樣選人,我猜她的第一印象是最重要的。我個女好醒目,很陽光,語言能力強,不過無任何獎又唔識樂器更不是教徒。哈哈,如果校長都以上述理由評價我個女,死梗。所以我對校長會收她信心不大。不過我相信個女好有潛質,上左小學先發展潛能也不遲。是龍是鼠其實生出來就定了,香港又不是窮地方,有天份的小孩實有機會。如果入了DGJS,真係可能工都唔番要陪讀。哈哈。rich有冇著數?應該這樣想,富人可能更有方法打通關係吧。全職媽媽有著數?那就奇怪了。女拔萃的創校不是為提高女孩教育也為女孩自我控制生命的能力?怎會這樣給全職媽媽加分?難道就是為了教出好女孩,然後這些女孩又再生小孩去投考DGJS?那不成為好好笑的循環? ;-)
YCPA | 2004-10-05 15:39

I say negative because:
1. it seems the school only care what you can contribute to the school. Are the kids working for the school? Should it be the other way round? Quite snobbish.

2. So far no one say good things like the teacher care about the kids? Instead, most of the comments are things like very keen competition among kids, great pressure, serious social class difference etc. :-|
titichu | 2004-10-05 15:46
等我女面試完後同你分亨下,其實考吾考到都無所謂,當一個訓練,星期四下午我會上BK同大家暢談。 :cheeze:
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