稚言治語 | 2005-04-21 10:11 |
Dear Daisy, 終於有明確一點的指引了,真替你們高興。好的開始是成功的一半,大家一起努力吧﹗ Quote: 感謝下葵涌特殊教育中心聽力師-何先生、陳太的細心解釋,使我們對聽力問題有更多認識。 何先生?是何賜德嗎?瘦瘦哋,戴眼鏡的?我同學嚟ga,都幾熟添﹗佢好有心機,放心啦﹗ Quote: to 稚言治語 :語言訓練有關資料可否提供?家長在屋企可以做些什麽協助? 你把電郵地址pm給我,我email一份資料給你。現時子喬還小,其實不需要特別的方法,照日常溝通便可以。唯一要注意的是,避免在她視線範圍外跟她說話,盡量讓她看見你的臉。和她玩耍/說話時,周圍的環境安靜點會好一些(例如不要開電視)。 我相信你的督學會詳細教你。 |
Nail | 2005-04-21 20:25 |
hi daisy, 恭喜你呀,又向前行多步喇 我朋友個女兩隻耳仔都有戴耳機架,好彩係女仔咋,佢留長頭髮都唔覺眼既 emb講得無錯,佢係讀正常學校既 cheers, nail |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-22 00:41 |
Hi 各位關心子喬的 BK mums, 現階段總算可以放下一半心頭大石,但聽力師話都唔可以過份樂觀,因為以家只是初步評估,要keep住做testings,就好似砌積木咁,一點一滴的累積,前面仲有漫長道路,要有定心理準備。 To 稚言治語 : 個下葵涌特殊教育中心聽力師淨係話自己姓何,不過據外表描述,佢又幾似係你同學喎,佢嗰樣好和藹善良,我哋係4月19日早上9am睇佢,係第一次睇,你可以reconfirm吓。如果係佢,幫我多謝佢呀。另外,語言訓練有關資料,請email比我呀 : [email protected] To Shiba-Inu : BB個case,都唔係好common喎,好彩有BK,先可以上嚟查探吓,如果唔係都唔知點算好。另外,想知人工耳蝸手術邊3家政府醫院可以做。暫時我想專注係EMB跟進BB情況,唔想overdo住,免得sidetrack個治療,你哋有乜意見呢?不過我都想你可以email D private audiologists (in case 有需要)比我,最後上次有個typo,應該係督學。 To Nail : 見到你朋友"成功"例子,都好振奮,謝謝。 我會係度再同大家update子喬的進度。 All the best to all BK mums |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-22 01:17 |
Quote: 稚言治語 寫道: 何先生?是何賜德嗎?瘦瘦哋,戴眼鏡的?我同學嚟ga,都幾熟添﹗佢好有心機,放心啦﹗ Hi 稚言治語 , Haha.... then I know which year u graduated from HKU la! ;-) As far as I know, Chelton Ho is working for Student Health Services under DH, the 何先生 in EMB is also 瘦瘦哋,戴眼鏡 but much older than Chelton! I believe both of them are 有心機 in treating their patients! ;-) |
稚言治語 | 2005-04-22 12:26 |
Dear 子喬媽咪, 已寄出,請查收。 根據Shiba-Inu的資料,呢位何生應該唔係我同學啦﹗我冇咁老嘅﹗ :-) :-) :-) p.s.你係咪想要private audiologist資料,我有喎﹗ |
稚言治語 | 2005-04-22 12:30 |
嘩﹗畀人發現我有幾老添﹗:-) 咁我會唔會識你呢?:-? 我成日都搞唔清Chelton喺邊度做,你一講我又記返起。你知啦,佢打政府工,又做學童,好鬼容易混淆。有時我都唔明,佢個位係點搞出嚟,咁樣算唔算dublicate service呢? Sorry,講咗題外話﹗ Quote: Shiba-Inu 寫道: Haha.... then I know which year u graduated from HKU la! ;-) As far as I know, Chelton Ho is working for Student Health Services under DH, the 何先生 in EMB is also 瘦瘦哋,戴眼鏡 but much older than Chelton! I believe both of them are 有心機 in treating their patients! ;-) |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-23 01:41 |
Quote: DaisyWong 寫道: 想知人工耳蝸手術邊3家政府醫院可以做。暫時我想專注係EMB跟進BB情況,唔想overdo住,免得sidetrack個治療,你哋有乜意見呢?不過我都想你可以email D private audiologists (in case 有需要)比我 Hi Daisy, Cochlear implant (or we call CI in short) can be done in 3 major hospitals: Queen Mary, Prince of Wales and QE. Don't worry if 子喬 is not seen by the ENT in these hospitals for the time being. If the need of CI is confirmed in the future, your doctor will refer u to one. I think the earliest age to do such a surgery in HK is about 1 yr old. On the other hand, we all want to confirm if babies really have that need by trying hearing aids first, right? I agree that babies should not be overtested in such a young age. However, does EMB suggest one or two hearing aids for 子喬? If the test results suggest problem in both ears (usually they do), start her with two rather than one will be better. Since EMB only offer one free hearing aid, u need to buy another one by yourself, usually as referred by EMB. And I don't have the list with me now, can I email to u one/ two days later? I will try to give u some who have experience with kids. Maybe u can get 稚言治語's list first if urgent. Typo is common, don't worry, just for fun! ;-) |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-23 01:52 |
Hi 稚言治語, " 畀人發現我有幾老添﹗" Don't worry, I am the same generation as u! - That mean both of us are still young! :-) Whether u know me or not, I really don't know! However, I know Chelton because there are only a handful of audiologists in HK, we basically know each other (and the background, and the reputation... so frightening!) "有時我都唔明,佢個位係點搞出嚟" - well, about 6-7 years ago, ED knew that it got a bulky structure and wanted to shut down the students' screening to eliminate some staff from the special education section. So it "sold" that part of the service to DH, which at that time wanted to expand its student services (why it had the $$ :-? ) - duplicate service? YES! |
稚言治語 | 2005-04-24 00:11 |
Quote:Shiba-Inu 寫道: That mean both of us are still young! :-) ok啦﹗:-) :-) Quote:there are only a handful of audiologists in HK, we basically know each other 其實我都識唔少架﹗其中一個仲好鬼friend添﹗幾乎每個星期都見﹗ Quote:duplicate service? YES! 唉﹗咪當Chelton好彩囉﹗返得嚟及時,等我屈多佢一餐飯先﹗ 8-) |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-24 14:48 |
Hi 稚言治語/Shiba-Inu, 估唔到世界真細小。 子喬前幾日再去醫院做ABR test,結果都好confuse,有時OK又有時唔OK咁 :-? 。下葵涌聽力跟得幾好,因為子喬上次去完做test後,話嚟緊會同子喬做助聽器,巳經做埋耳模添,所以我諗佢哋想再reconfirm嗰結果,咪咋咋林叫我哋去做多次test囉。 佢哋話政府只sponsor一隻,另一隻耳機就借住比我哋,無謂嘥$啦,因為都未知耳機是否真係work。 個private audiologists list,我諗住袋住係袋,in case有用,都知仲邊度有contact ma,不過暫時都會follow EMB為主,子喬仲細,都唔想迫得佢咁緊要。 希望嚟緊陸陸續續有good news啦。 :-) 頭先子喬瞓瞓吓覺,比個電話嘈醒呀 :-D :-D :-D 子喬媽上 |