ShirleyLeung | 2005-05-25 13:22 |
凡事有例外, 即使完全符合大家所列的要求, 也未必代表一定得; 考得入的, 肯定不是完全符合這些要求. "女拔是否平民免問?" 我只知道, 如果你唔去試, 就一定無機會! 面試憑狀態/運氣, 抱著"隨遇而安"的心態, 對家長和女兒兩方面都好. 祝大家的小朋友考入心儀小學. :-D :pint: |
Planet | 2005-05-25 13:26 |
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Roberta2000 | 2005-05-25 13:43 |
Hi j-ma-ma, My girl is accepted by St Mary too. My hubby did the registration for her but it seems like he knew nothing when I asked him what we should do for the follow ups. I have some queries in my mind, hope you can help: 1. Do we need to do the formal registration again after June 4? 2. When will the school notify us to buy books, uniform.. etc 3. Do you know if there's any restraints for the school bags? Appreciate for your reply. |
j-ma-ma | 2005-05-25 14:09 |
Roberta2000, Actually, my daughter is already in P.2 now. During the registration, your husband should have submitted 2 stamped envelopes to the school. After 4 Jun, you will receive information from the school advising you the date of the first parent's day for P1. After the parent's talk (by the headmistress), you will have the chance to buy uniform (PE and shirt), arrange the school bus, get the booklist and notify the date to buy the books in the school (should be around July together with the old girls). You may PM me if you need other information. |
j-ma-ma | 2005-05-25 14:12 |
The children herself has to be a catholic or Christian to get the 5 marks. Marks applied to allocated school only (MCS is one) by not to private school. For DGJS, I know that like it because they need your information in the application form. |
twyam | 2005-05-25 14:30 |
Is St. Mary also a Catholic school? Is it under allocation system, not private? Thanks! |
j-ma-ma | 2005-05-25 14:34 |
Yes, St Mary is a Catholic school and under allocation system Region 31 |
flowerglassy | 2005-05-25 17:16 |
上年的十月我小女和我同事的女也去面試,我女唔中,同事女得左。佢K2轉去讀基督堂幼稚園,原因也是聽聞入的機會大。個女仔外形幾Q幾漂亮,講英國口音英文,當然廣東話也講啦。父母是中產啦,都大學學歷。住私人樓,我覺得也不是非常SMART GIRL,不過外形幾好。父母應無背景。所以我認為傳聞校長問答中能挑選SMART GIRL好像有點神乎其技了,我的女想多答也被校長叫停,話要留番時間給下一位。我真的不相信,只幾句話就能知道人的IQ.反正這是我所接觸最真實的個案了,與大家分享。 後話是我小女到今天仍為小拔校長唔比佢多解釋那個問題而不高興。她說已很努力回答但只講了三句就被叮走。哈哈。我女也是名牌學校而且年年得模範生獎,智力當無問題。 |
Mrssslui | 2005-05-25 17:28 |
讀基督堂係好大因素. 另外,你話佢父母 U grade 亦會係一個考慮.Quote: flowerglassy 寫道: 上年的十月我小女和我同事的女也去面試,我女唔中,同事女得左。佢K2轉去讀基督堂幼稚園,原因也是聽聞入的機會大。個女仔外形幾Q幾漂亮,講英國口音英文,當然廣東話也講啦。父母是中產啦,都大學學歷。住私人樓,我覺得也不是非常SMART GIRL,不過外形幾好。父母應無背景。所以我認為傳聞校長問答中能挑選SMART GIRL好像有點神乎其技了,我的女想多答也被校長叫停,話要留番時間給下一位。我真的不相信,只幾句話就能知道人的IQ.反正這是我所接觸最真實的個案了,與大家分享。 後話是我小女到今天仍為小拔校長唔比佢多解釋那個問題而不高興。她說已很努力回答但只講了三句就被叮走。哈哈。我女也是名牌學校而且年年得模範生獎,智力當無問題。 |
ansonbb | 2005-05-25 19:10 |
U said if children herself is Christian, she will get 5 marks. Why not parent ? The child know nothing but how to make her become Christian ? Quote: j-ma-ma 寫道: The children herself has to be a catholic or Christian to get the 5 marks. Marks applied to allocated school only (MCS is one) by not to private school. For DGJS, I know that like it because they need your information in the application form. |