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voasia | 2005-09-18 21:22
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法子 | 2005-09-18 21:55
HAROLD | 2005-09-18 23:51
Hello Voasia,

Thanks for your sharing on the PTH sound track. would you please pm me the details.

p.s. my son is studying in 1E, how about your kid? may be we may meet each other during the Nov 1st school picnic. ;-)
Spiderman_mama | 2005-09-19 07:40
voasia 寫道:

請問各位知唔知o係深水埔西鐵站 or 荃灣MTR 有咩車可以去學校呢? T.Y.
voasia | 2005-09-19 11:37
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voasia | 2005-09-19 11:38
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voasia | 2005-09-19 11:42
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ctm | 2005-09-19 21:06
Hello, Voasia,

My son is also in 1E, He is very happy being one of CKY students. He is interesting in everything. He will have creative drawing, oil printing and Korean language in Sat.

Please pm me about the PTH sound track. Thank you in advance.

CYCmama | 2005-09-19 23:06
Thanks for the sound track, Voasia. It is really professional. Unfortunately, as I said, my daughter is not that interested in PTH, she was attracted by those moving graphics more when I shown it to her the other day.

I know there is no shortcut in learning language. To arouse her interest and expose her to PTH more often, do you have any recommendations as to the VCD stories or CDs? If you feel embarrassing in making suggestions in public, you can pm me the information. Many thanks.

Hi, CatkIII, Harold and ctm,

It is nice to know there are so many 1E parents here. I am one of them. Since we cannot re-arrange the swimming class, my daughter will not join the ECA this time. Anyway, see you all in the school picnic.
CYCmama | 2005-09-19 23:23
You know, I am a newcomer to CKY. I can just share what I know as far as possible.

1. CKY put a lot of emphasis on language development. They provide a very good environment for kids to foster their English and PTH. They believe it is more important for children to strengthen their ability in listening, reading and speaking in the first place, and then writing skill.

2. They encourage reading.

3. They also stress whole-person development. Kids are encouraged to pick a kind of musical instrument in instrument lesson. They have two sessions of moral education in a week which I reckon is vital when you saw a lot of children chose to end their life when facing with difficulties.

The above is just some superficial info. Perhaps, you should go to CKY's website for more details if you are really interested in it. From there, you can also access to info like schedule for briefing session, application down loading ...
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