Re: 面試表現更重要 拔萃女小學戴何天美校長

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囝囝爸 | 2006-03-23 23:11
不管學校在政策上有什麼優點或缺點, DGS是香港一間頂尖成績的學校是不爭的事實. 我對國際學校認識不深, 不過我想DGS比起香港國際名校應不惶多讓.

教出好學生, 家庭背景支援固然重要, 但學校本身的努力功勞也不可抹煞, 還有同學間互相影響競爭激勵也十分重要. 學校和同學的角色相信不是高學識的父母可以替代.

國際學校對學生來說可能是一個較好的學制. 但對香港傳統學校來說應不適合, 相互比較也不公平. 香港國際學校在資源, 師資, 小班, 學習語境, 家長背境都比本地傳統名校佔優. 本地學校和學生受制於主流考試僵化制度, 又要雙語並重, 比對國際學校單主以母語學習, 本地學生學習固然沉重得多. 學校如能在此教育困境中教出好學生, 夫復何求.

傳統校祇要教出語文能力強學生, 學生就會生出信心, 發出創意, 衝出世界. 好像去年李寶椿聯合世界書院有兩位學生在世界IB考試中名列前茅, 那兩位學生也是前傳統校聖保祿的中五畢業生, 哈佛女孩劉亦婷也是在中國的傳統重點學校就讀, 最終也可成了哈佛的領袖生. 有說, 美國學制能教出最好的學生, 也能教出最差的學生. 所以, 每樣學制因應不同環境也有優缺點. 不管黑貓或白貓, 捉到老鼠就是好貓.

fannychoi | 2006-03-23 23:13
leehoma001 寫道:
Let us conduct an in-depth thinking on whether DGS/DGJS is really a good school having a systematic and well-proven system to help students striving for excellece.

Q1. If yes, why there is such a great variation in the overall achievement of the students when they graduate from DGS/DGJS?

Note that the cream of DGJS are really very smart but at the same time there are also a lot of just "average" graduates from DGS/DGJS.

Q2. Does this reflect the great variation of the quality of the in-take students?

If the answer to Q2 is yes, it means that 戴何天美校長 has to admit that she herself is not capable of selecting most of the top students during the interview although she gets a large pool of applicants for her selection.

Q3. Does this reflect the great variation in the family support of the students?

However, I believe that most of the girls admitted to DGS will receive great support from their parents in personal development.

Q3. Does this reflect the problem of its education system?

If the answer to Q3 is yes, then what are the major problems at DGS/DGJS?

I don't know the exact curriculum of DGS/DGJS and don't know the style, approach and methodogy adopted by DGS/DGJS. I can't give any views or comments regarding the Q3.

On the other hand, I can share here some approaches adopted by some local elite international schools such that they are quite successful in achieving an overall high but quite even academic performace among all of their students.


- Unlike those traditonal schools, some elite international schools put great focus on students' discipline but will not suppress the creativity and innovation of students

- They adopt positive re-inforcement approach to encourage the students to strive for excellent instead of through the pressure of exams and tests

- Unlike those elite local schools which will only put focus on those cream students resulting in great variations in the development between the top and the bottom students. Those elite international schools will not discriminate against less performancers and in favour of best performancers. Instead, they will group the students within a class into different groups of similar capability in different areas such as Maths, English,.. etc. during the lessons but usually the Maths groups, the English groups. etc. will have different combination of studens and the students will not belong to the same group for all subjects because some students may be good at Maths and analytical but rather poor in English literacy, and vice versa, etc.

The purpose of dividing into various groups is not like some local schools to label a group of cream or stars of the school but only for tailoring the progress of teaching in various groups according to their ability so that top students will not feel boring if the teaching materials are too simple for them or an individual student will not be discouraged in learning and lost confidence if his/her capability in certain subject is far lagging behind his/her other group members.

- One the other hand, unlike some local schools that the school resources will only be focused and diverted to those cream students because they can help the school in gaining fame and reputation through a lot of different types of competition. Instead, those elite internatioanl schools will have more support and more teacher attention to those groups wilth inferior capability so as to help them to catch up with other groups as soon as possible.

- In some schools, if there is any individual student whose capability in any particular aspect is found to be far lagging behind the average standards, special tailor-made supplementary support from the school will be given to that student instead of giving up that student.

These are the reasons why those elite international schools can have very high but quite even academic performance among their students. The difference in academic performance among different students within the same school is not too much or we can say that even the bottom group of students can achieve a certain minimum standard which is still better than the average of those UK or US students.


The above are just my personal observations and views. I hope that it can give other parents some insights and stimulations.

masterricky 寫道:
Good school but a Headmistress with low IQ & EQ. We cannot judge children in three minutes but I believe in judging parents within three minutes.

With a school like DGJS, you put a monkey on the Headmistress' seat and it will still have a queue waiting outside.

I personally do respect DGJS but would never put my daughter in there. It is like school version of "Kam Chi Yuk Yip" and parents act like 007 spying on eachothers' secret weapon to achieve academic execellence.

Would someone please correct me if I am wrong?? :adore: :adore: :adore:

其實你所說的分組教學已經在DGS 實行, 初頭只係英文, 之後中文都是.

and 我都好有興趣知你的IS elite school 名單, 可否pm 給我?BTY, KJS會唔會係裏面呢?哈哈。。。
tingtingting | 2006-03-24 09:31
Hi Vernique2005,

Let's calm down and put emotion aside for a moment. While I don't really appreciate the way Judy put (no offence, I hope), I think there is some truth in what she said.

This may not be typical but I know one girl from a lower to middle class family living in Tai Wai whose father is not a professional and does not have any special Guan Xi with DGSJ managed to get an offer. The girl is very smart, very out spoken and can talk non stop to everyone whom she meets for the first time. Her mother had formal education up to Form 5 only, but had a degree from the Open U, and currently on distant learning with the Institure of Linguistics. I will say the young girl and her mother are those who can impress everyone in less than three minutes.

judy | 2006-03-24 09:48



” 孩子﹐你入了好學校﹐是一個非常公平的決定﹐在所有報考的人當中﹐不入的﹐一定不夠你聰明﹐一定不及你有大志﹐也一定不及你努力。。。﹗而看你份申請表的人﹐非常客觀




再補充一下,除了數學和暹 邏緝,天下没有百分百準确之事,有經驗的,選生選對了之機會大,但就不會百分之百。以之前有一位媽妈說的為例:"Why there is such a great variation in the overall achievement of the students when they graduate from DGS. We have to admit that the cream of DGS are really very smart but at the same time there are also a lot of just "average" graduates from DGS.",睇完笑死我,先不去問佢何謂"great variation in the overall achievement of the students",就算真係,也是十分正常,不是才不正常,中五畢業,讀過概率的一定知道:假設收生,每個學生都有90%機會拿A, 那麽,10個學生都拿A之機會有多大呢?大約40%到。
BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 10:34
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titipapa | 2006-03-24 10:43
BookloverJ 寫道:
看完下文, 真係茅塞頓開!
突然想到,原來最傻係張校長,邊個張校長? 男小拔個個.
男小拔招生又1st in, 又2nd in,以前仲考文又考武. 好似做大龍鳳咁,
只要請亞Judy姐做interviewer 就得啦.
等我即刻forward 個email 比張校長點醒佢,叫佢”用吓腦啦”:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

:-D :-D :-D

forward 埋個email 比SFA, 陳守仁d校長好吾好?? :-)
Msma | 2006-03-24 10:47
其實無所為啦 亦無錯架,佢簡返同類,同背境小朋友入讀都係好事,異類入讀唔一定讀得好,亦未必夠資源去培育亦唔一定會讀得快樂,其實香港都有好多學校做得好好架!

唔一定要非邊間不讀架 !

考到未=係同類型嘮 (小學考到並唔覺係叻,中學由平民學校入得到,唔靠體育就真叻)

唔收你就=你未係同類 (唔係小朋友唔叻亞,) 咁未讀第二間嘮。

塞翁失馬 ! :cheeze:
Bluestar | 2006-03-24 11:02
唉! 如果家長覺得間學校咁差,校長咁差,為乜重要替自己個小朋友報名 ?



:giveup: :-)
HuiTung | 2006-03-24 11:06
我老公同事的太太中、小學都是讀女拔, 他們的女兒理應順理成章, 亳無困難入此校. 但是那位母親卻寧願選HKIS給女兒讀. 可見入此校讀的壓力有幾大 ... :giveup:
Bluestar | 2006-03-24 11:13

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