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rogavi818 | 2007-11-16 18:03
Quote:原文章由 鍾意BB 於 07-11-16 13:57 發表
今日茶點 : 雞蛋1隻, 水

今日功課 : 工作紙 2 張

THANK YOU ..!! :-)
sallymama | 2007-11-16 19:25
嘩 ~~~~
朱古力餅同利賓鈉都係好野痰架喎 , 仲要溝埋一齊食 :PQuote:原文章由 rogavi818 於 07-11-15 14:10 發表
今日茶點 : 朱古力餅, 利賓納

今日功課 : 工作紙 1 張.

rogavi818 | 2007-11-16 20:29
Quote:原文章由 sallymama 於 07-11-16 19:25 發表
嘩 ~~~~
朱古力餅同利賓鈉都係好野痰架喎 , 仲要溝埋一齊食 :P

sallymama | 2007-11-16 20:37
可能我個女唔受得掛 :sick:Quote:原文章由 rogavi818 於 07-11-16 20:29 發表


rogavi818 | 2007-11-16 20:54
Quote:原文章由 sallymama 於 07-11-16 20:37 發表
可能我個女唔受得掛 :sick:

不過你可以同老師講話個女唔食得邊d 野, 咁老師會比第二d 佢食, 就好似有一天阿女咳,那天茶點飲麥精,老師都氹佢叫佢唔好飲住,比左水佢飲.仲有有一日食蛋 tart ,佢咳未好番,老師比左第二d 野佢食.
rogavi818 | 2007-11-19 12:34
我個女今天沒有返學,因為病了(腸胃炎),:-( :-( :-o
lanlanqq | 2007-11-19 14:29
My Pak Lok is also 腸胃炎, it happened from Friday night to Sunday. In Friday night, he vomitted nearly 10 times, and then "Pooh Pooh" nearly 10 times until Sat afternoon. He is very serious. When he consulted the doc on Sat afternoon, the doctor said there are many children suffered in such cases recently. Actully, he recovered by himself, he cannot take the medicine, once he take the the one for stop vomitting, then he would immediately vomit. So I cannot feed he the medicine again. Luckily, he got only 2 times of "pooh pooh" yesterday. so today I let him go school. Up to now, no more vomit & "pooh pooh". But he feels no appetite to eat. I let him eat plain congnee only. I questioned Lok Lok any child vomit in the school on Fri, he said no. I think he may eat some dirty food.

Hope your daughter get well soon.
sallymama | 2007-11-19 15:49
係咪食錯野呀 ?
俾佢飲多D水同埋呢幾日都要食清淡少少, 清清個腸胃呀 , 希望佢快D好番啦 !!!Quote:原文章由 rogavi818 於 07-11-19 12:34 發表
我個女今天沒有返學,因為病了(腸胃炎),:-( :-( :-o

rogavi818 | 2007-11-20 08:42
Quote:原文章由 sallymama 於 07-11-19 15:49 發表
係咪食錯野呀 ?
俾佢飲多D水同埋呢幾日都要食清淡少少, 清清個腸胃呀 , 希望佢快D好番啦 !!!

可能會係食錯野啦.! 不過就冇胃口食野囉.比咩佢都係食左兩啖,就話唔食,無論麵包抑或白飯(我想煲粥架,不過佢唔鍾意唯有食白飯).真係慘,佢已經瘦架啦,而家仲瘦晒添,我寧願病果個係我喇.!
rogavi818 | 2007-11-20 08:43
今天依然沒有上學,..!:sick: :-(
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