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lanlanqq | 2007-11-21 22:31
Quote:原文章由 funnycow112 於 07-11-21 22:08 發表
我囡囡也是在上星期五晚上肚痛及開始嘔吐,直至半夜兩點半嘔了十多次,最後連黃膽水也嘔了出來,嚇得我們連忙帶她到元朗看私家夜診。但到了星期六早上仍沒有好轉,又再看醫生,改為塞肛止嘔藥,情況才稍為改善。星期日開始 ...

my Pak lok is K1A am as well. he vomitted from Fri night around 8 pm until 1:00am and then "pooh" "pooh until 10:00 am Sat. I would call Miss Cheung tomorrow to see whether many students in the class suffered from 腸胃炎 [ 本文章最後由 lanlanqq 於 07-11-21 22:34 編輯 ]
sallymama | 2007-11-21 23:53
咁多同學仔都有事, 係咪要同學校講, 叫佢地通知衛生署或有事既家長通知又得, , 叫佢地黎學校大消毒同埋check 清楚咩事呢 ?Quote:原文章由 funnycow112 於 07-11-21 22:08 發表
我囡囡也是在上星期五晚上肚痛及開始嘔吐,直至半夜兩點半嘔了十多次,最後連黃膽水也嘔了出來,嚇得我們連忙帶她到元朗看私家夜診。但到了星期六早上仍沒有好轉,又再看醫生,改為塞肛止嘔藥,情況才稍為改善。星期日開始 ...

funnycow112 | 2007-11-22 00:44
我囡囡是在星期五下午放學後不久便說想嘔,但是嘔不出,晚上八點開始說肚痛要大便,但也疴不出。直至九時半開始嘔吐大作,五小時內嘔了十多次,本來想送她入院但怕要打針吊水,於是只看私家門 診,,現在她因嘔得太多,體內過份缺水及至身體虛弱, 想起來當初若然早點送她入院,情況可能好些.非常內疚及心痛!:-( :-( :-(
pm | 2007-11-22 07:34
第一次到. 因為我個bb 也是腸胃炎.
都是星期五晚發作. 係咁嘔.
星期一返了一天學, 又再嘔. 請假直到今天, 繼續請假. :(

計數: ling ling, paklok, funnycow 和我bb.
如果全部係幼兒A 班, 一共四名小朋友出事. 病發期同病徵相類.

我懷疑學校清潔不足, 茶點有問題.
禽日問過校方, 又話無集體病發事件,
一係有意隱暪, 一係查找不足.

各位家長, 大家一齊去問下佢地, 讀左三個月就出事, 我地D 小朋友仲要係度讀幾年架. :( 學校唔交代清楚, 我肯定唔放過他們.

不要內疚, BB在你身邊一定好過在醫院吊鹽水.
我BB是到了私家醫院, 醫生說要留院吊鹽水觀察.
我都係因為怕BB害怕及痛. 所以無留院.
你煮點稀粥, 飲寶礦力, 腸胃休息, 在家觀察更好.

不開心, 為何上學弄至小朋友都病倒了. :( :( [ 本文章最後由 pm 於 07-11-22 07:44 編輯 ]
鍾意BB | 2007-11-22 09:28
琳琳星期五晚半夜微燒, 星期六朝同佢睇醫生, 只係話普通感冒, 食咗藥退咗燒, 星期日突然肚瀉一次, 呢幾日都有話肚仔痛, 但係在學校去厠所, 所以我唔知佢仲有冇肚瀉﹖:-| :-|
88 | 2007-11-22 10:08
Quote:原文章由 pm 於 07-11-22 07:34 發表
第一次到. 因為我個bb 也是腸胃炎.
都是星期五晚發作. 係咁嘔.
星期一返了一天學, 又再嘔. 請假直到今天, 繼續請假. :(

計數: ling ling, paklok, funnycow 和我bb.
如果全部係幼兒A 班, 一共四名小朋友出事. 病發 ...

:-o :-o :-o 你地d小朋友無樹呀ma? 前排有野攪, only 睇你地d post 都覺得好心痛... 希望小朋友快d 好番.再上學去:-) :-) :-) :-)

touchwood , rachel d 班好似無野bor... 咁應該同d 茶點無關卦 ?-(
lanlanqq | 2007-11-22 10:17

Pls update us what's happen in class. Meanwhile, I would talk to Ms Cheung after the children off school.

I think Pak Lok is OK now, he has no vomit and Pooh from yesterday, Actally, I still only feed him the congnee, plain bread, drink congnee water and 寶礦力. On Tue, I tried to let him drink milk in night time. but he vomitted. So I am afraid to let him drink milk up to now.

Quote:原文章由 pm 於 07-11-22 07:34 發表
第一次到. 因為我個bb 也是腸胃炎.
都是星期五晚發作. 係咁嘔.
星期一返了一天學, 又再嘔. 請假直到今天, 繼續請假. :(

計數: ling ling, paklok, funnycow 和我bb.
如果全部係幼兒A 班, 一共四名小朋友出事. 病發 ...

lanlanqq | 2007-11-22 11:47
[size=12.5pt]I would like to further update more on the bacteria of this kind of [size=12.5pt]腸胃炎[size=12.5pt] is very strong.
My husband, me & my maid also infected by Pak Lok , may be not directly.
Actually, when Pak Lok consulted doc on Sat afternoon, the doc reminded us we must CLEAN the vomit things immediately, we must wear mask and clean the floor / the area with vomit things with antiseptic liquid.

[size=12.5pt]My husband was first infected on Sun afternoon, and I was infected on Sun Night. My Husband was in seriously vomit & pooh pooh. I would be the one better, I felt stomach pain and want to vomit only. Lastly, I got pooh pooh twice in Tue afternoon.

My maid was infected, and vomit & pooh pooh on Tue night, because Pak Lok vomited on her body on Tue afternoon.

[size=12.5pt]To :
PM, Funnycow112, rogavi818 & Chris_11

[size=12.5pt]Be careful to handle the vomit thing from your children.
[size=12.5pt]lanlanqq [ 本文章最後由 lanlanqq 於 07-11-22 11:51 編輯 ]
KX | 2007-11-22 13:50
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KX | 2007-11-22 13:51
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