amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-07 22:31 |
Hi Father_ho 我忘記請問P2有沒有測驗和考試? |
father_ho | 2006-07-07 22:41 |
Dear amandalyy2002, For whatever grade in CKY, there will not be test, exam., they just call it as assessment(just a name anyway). The purpose of it just want to find out in what aspect(s) your kids should improve and you will get a feeling how to improve it. That has adv. and disadv. since if parents just ignore the hint, your kid will soon fall out of track and difficult to get back if it persist for long time. The good side of course will not create unnecessary pressure to kids and kill their interest. |
kyliema2006 | 2006-07-07 23:25 |
I heard from the principal that P5 students are required to submit a graduate assignment (I supposedly is in English) which is more than 2,000 words. I wonder whether the assignment is difficult to write, or if the children need their parents help to finish it. You know, it is not an esay task for a P5 student. :-? :-? :-? |
CYCmama | 2006-07-07 23:30 |
Dear Amandalyy2002, Congratulation, welcome to the CKY family. My daughter will be promoted to P2 in the coming September too. Today, I received her assessment reporting card. I really enjoyed reading it. Apart from having grading assessing different aspect of your kid under different subject, teacher will put on narrative description outlining the strength or weakness of your kid. Those comments reflect that the teachers really know your kid. They are useful in a way that they confirm your own observation and help put them up systematically so that parent/teacher/kid can figure out ways to improve it. Unfortunately, the comments are so true that my daughter gets a little bit upset after reading it (of course, I mean the part pinpointing her weakness). Heartfelt thanks to the CKY teachers. |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-07 23:35 |
Hi CYCmama Thanks for your greeting. We may meet together if our child at the same class. Will you bring her to school everyday? Will they move to new campus by Sept? My girl have three actitives on Saturday (Swim, HK Choir and Ice skating). Any curriculum in CKY on Saturday? |
CYCmama | 2006-07-07 23:39 |
Hi Kyliema, Yes, you are right. They are written in English. Today, the school held an Assignment Exhibition and from there, I did take a quick glance on the graduation assignment you mentioned. The quality are impressive taking into account that they are just P5 kids. Apart from Content table, Introduction, Content, Conclusion, they even have to include the reference books got through. After looking at the assignments from P1 to P4 student, you would believe they are really written by the kids themselves, perhaps, with a little bit guidance from parents at most. |
CYCmama | 2006-07-07 23:47 |
Hi Amandalyy2002, The school will move to the new campus by December 2006, if I didn't get it wrongly. It is because the new school campus has to be renovated (should be a small scale one) to suit our need. I did bring her to school every morning but let her riding on the school bus to return home in the afternoon. CKY does organise extra curricular activities (ECA) on Saturday morning (with fee required). However, we have never tried it as my daughter also have joined a few interest classes on Saturday. That's why she always have the dilemma as to which one she should choose or quit. |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-07 23:55 |
Only single trip will cost you how much? Do you know whether the route of school bus can be covered to Tsing Yi? |
kyliema2006 | 2006-07-07 23:58 |
Thanks CYCmama, For curiosity, what kinds of topics they wrote? I also heard that CYC students are required to take a third language, e.g. Japanese or French, is it voluntary or compulsory. And how do you comment their Chinese standard, while they speak in Putonghua for Chinese subject, could the children recognize the words in Cantonese, especially on difficult words. Quite a lot of questions!! Regards. :lol: :lol: :lol: |
Chau444 | 2006-07-08 00:13 |
amandalyy2002, 恭喜! 我是小一準家長, 日後大家繼續扶持. 校巴問題, 我想您可致電校車公司查詢, 盛開旅運公司, 電話 : 27208532 另外, 課外活動一事, 我近日有到CKY網頁, 進入學校通告內容, 從2005年9月-10月的通告中, 有課外活動的時間表, 內容及收費等資料, 雖然2006年應有不同, 但我覺得可作為一個參考. |