amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-08 07:53 |
Chau444 唔該哂! 我覺得這間學校的家長很幫忙. 你會唔會搭校車? |
Chau444 | 2006-07-08 09:02 |
amandalyy2002, Good Morning! 不用客氣. 我會讓小朋友坐校車, 6月24日小一家長會時, 校巴公司亦有到場, 給家長查詢路線, 時間及費用等. |
venice121 | 2006-07-08 13:57 |
Dear amandalyy, 多謝你的回應。小兒現就讀德貞小學,其實學校本身的教學模式也不錯,只是小朋友沒有太多機會說英語。而且今年校長榮休,到現在還不知道誰會接任,所以我現在還是盤旋着。請問你知不知蔡繼有的英文課是用甚麼形式上堂呢?學校是用甚麼課本呢? :lol: |
kkpapa | 2006-07-08 16:01 |
venice121, 多咀回應一下,看這條thread 的第一頁就有詳細資料。 |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-08 20:38 |
無錯. 我亦是將這topic由頭到尾全看才知多d. 這裡家長很熱心. 因我是working mummy. 日後請p2或其他家長多多報料. |
venice121 | 2006-07-09 00:20 |
謝謝你的提示。我已看了二十多頁了,亦加深了我對cky的認識,但是好像從來沒有人提及cky是用甚麼出版社的書藉來教英文科和中文科?請問有沒有cky的家長可以提供一下呢?感激。 :adore: |
kyliema2006 | 2006-07-09 11:21 |
我兒是06年小一生,收到的書單,可能我 孤陋寡聞,發現部份印刷商都幾與別不同,如EPH, Learning Media, National Geographic, Creative Teaching Press, Steck-Vaughn, Rigby, RIC, Professional Pub, Smart Kids, Sunshine,亦有比較熟悉的Longman, 教育,螢火蟲,小魯文化,青田,商務等. 如果我没有記錯,學校曾提及部份書本要從外國訂購回來,所以最後我們都免卻麻煩,全部經學校訂購。 :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: |
CYCmama | 2006-07-09 15:11 |
Hi Amandalyy2002, If I remember it correctly, it should be two-third of the full charges. Anyway, you can confirm it on the orientation day. The school bus company is not too bad. For one or two time, I really cannot make it to bring her to school by myself, they are willing to give her a ride free of charge! |
CYCmama | 2006-07-09 15:20 |
Hi kyliema2006, I reckon the topics are picked by the students themselves. Hence, it varies a lot. I just manage to remember two, one called 'Body' introducing the different functions performed by different part or organs of the body and the other called 'Wong Tai Sin Temple' talks about the historical background, present situation of the temple. Third language? I didn't hear about it. Perhaps, it is referred to those included in the ECA? :-? As far as Chinese standard is concerned, I would say it is at least comparable to those traditional school using Chinese as the first language. I think maybe more improvement can be seen when they start using PTH as the teaching medium in P2. Regarding your query to whether they can then read those words in Cantonese after adoping PTH in P2, I in fact have the same doubt. However, other parents (from other school) shared in other thread confirming that this should not be the case. |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-09 22:55 |
May I know when will they start lesson after Summer Holiday? |