稚言治語 | 2005-04-24 23:31 |
子喬媽媽: 我們人少行頭窄,而且speech 同 audio真係好親ga﹗ 原來而家可以借耳機﹗真好﹗ 我很同意你的想法,現在子喬還小,還不需要特殊的訓練。但我仍會準備private audio 的list給你。或者我會同時pm一份給Shiba-Inu,讓她/他給你一些意見。 祝子喬繼續有進步﹗ |
loveyanpig | 2005-04-25 21:02 |
大家好! 我現在很擔心, 希望大家可為我分憂!! 我bb女現在三個月大, 個多月前到健康院進行聽力測試: 第一次她因鼻鼾聲太大, 所以測不到; 第二次則說她兩隻耳也不及格, 要轉介, (現在要到五月中才可看專科) 姑娘說並非太多bb會不及格, 又說及早發現也是件好事.....這令我十分擔心, 好像已預告我bb的聽覺有問題!!! 我很矛盾, 很想五月中快些到, 但又怕到時的測試結果令我更傷心..... :-( :-( 這個多月來我留意bb對聲音的反應, (當然有時是我刻意 "試" 她)發現她有時對聲音很有反應, 不單聽到關門開門等聲音, 連一些很細微的聲音也可令她驚醒, 這令我很開心......但有時她對一切聲音也不太理睬, 這令我十分沮喪.....我現在的情緒可說是跟著她對聲音的反應而轉變.....我真的很憂心, 我怕未到五月中我已"發瘋"!! 各位媽媽, 請您們教教我該怎麼辦吧..... :-( :-( :-( |
Nail | 2005-04-25 22:05 |
loveyanpig, yanyan 媽,你唔好咁擔心住啦,等埋個結果先啦.凡事向好的看,總有它的路.你睇下稚言稚語同Shiba-Inu的資料,子喬媽的經驗也是很好的參考哩. 加油! |
loveyanpig | 2005-04-25 22:11 |
thx! 第一次上呢個forum, 見到大家有咁多分享同專業意見, 我都知道條路唔係自己一個人行! |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-25 23:23 |
Hi loveyanpig, 我係子喬媽呀,你嘅留言令我諗番起3月尾時的情況,嗰段等待嘅日子(2星期),比起十月懷胎嚟得仲漫長。 子喬宜家refer咗去特殊教育跟進(唔洗担心,係audio,not mental 嘅特殊教育),個度成層樓都係for聽力BB,條路唔係只自己一個人行呀。 你係邊間醫院度做testing呀?加油呀,我哋要為BB努力,唔可以放棄! :-D :-D :-D |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-25 23:36 |
Hi Nail, 係呀,有你哋嘅分享,成個人都輕鬆咗,每次睇完醫生,都好心急上嚟update(including good & bad news)。 萬謝 子喬媽上 :-) |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-26 09:15 |
Hi loveyanpig :wave: , Don't worry too much for the time being. OAE is not a 100% accurate test (in fact, it's the first step of testing babies only), and there are a lot of things we can do nowaday to help hearing impaired kids. I have posted some information here and there in BK to response to other worried BK moms, see if the following links help you to relieve some of your worries: A forum talking about middle ear infection (click here) A forum talking about failing OAE test (click here) Chatting with other parents with similar situation helps too! :-D |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-26 09:21 |
Hi 子喬媽媽, Please check email. "子喬宜家refer咗去特殊教育跟進(唔洗担心,係audio,not mental 嘅特殊教育)" --- that's an interesting comment! It remains me of a Chinese saying that "naming is so important to a person's life". Seems it's important to an organization too! "子喬前幾日再去醫院做ABR test,結果都好confuse,有時OK又有時唔OK咁" --- I have to give that hospital some :-? :-? :-? too.... I wonder which hospital is that? "頭先子喬瞓瞓吓覺,比個電話嘈醒呀" --- that's a very good sign! Does it happen everytime the phone rings, or just for this time? |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-26 09:32 |
Hi Nail, Actually I have not "talked" to you, but I do think you are a very good sharing partner! :-D :-D :-D |
loveyanpig | 2005-04-26 15:01 |
謝謝各位關心! 有進一步消息我會通知大家的! 子喬媽, 我bb會在東區醫院看專科呢! |