Xanthe | 2006-03-10 14:40 |
monmantong, our school is 基灣小學 = PM, 基灣小學(愛蝶灣) = AM class before. You got 20 marks => Are you the graduate?? |
monmantong | 2006-03-10 23:50 |
xanthe, no, I have extra 5 marks due to Christian. However, is it a pushy school with traditional teaching method? I know the rate entrying into bank 1 is very high? So what is the difference between 基灣小學 & 基灣小學(愛蝶灣) ? someone said 愛蝶灣 is better, is it true? Are they in same curriculum? If I am living in TKO, & target it as 1st round, is the chance high and do you think it is worth going to HK side? |
Xanthe | 2006-03-11 20:51 |
monmantong, I know the rate entrying into bank 1 is very high? ==> yes。但因為會改制,每間學校都要分3個banding,所以學校唔會以後唔會爭係派到band 1中學!(這個係聽d主任講的) Is it a pushy school with traditional teaching method? ==> yes. So what is the difference between 基灣小學 & 基灣小學(愛蝶灣) ? someone said 愛蝶灣 is better, is it true? Are they in same curriculum? ==> 基灣小學(愛蝶灣)最注重音樂而基灣小學就注重多元智能。我覺得這倆間學校都是好學校。你要問邊間好就真係難答,因為每個家長要求都唔同,小朋友的能力都唔同,最重要睇小朋友讀唔讀到。我有2位朋友係愛蝶灣就因為家長同小朋友都好大壓力就算考到第二名都轉左學校。但有些家長就會好buy基灣小學(愛蝶灣),所以都係睇家長同小朋友。這倆間學校教的課程應該都差不多掛,教署定的。基灣小學(愛蝶灣)每星期測驗一次,基灣小學就2星期測驗一次。 至於你話值唔值每天由tko到skw返學,我就有保留。基灣小學(愛蝶灣)每天返7:30am放2:30pm,基灣小學就返8:30am放3:30pm。每天平均要用1個鐘搭車,做功課都要1個鐘(小一至小二,小三以上仲未知),仲未計課外活動tim,所以如果我住tko我就唔會揀佢。九龍區仲多選擇,不過中學個校網就香港區較好! |
monmantong | 2006-03-12 22:52 |
Xanthe, thanks. I remember you still have a younger one, which kindergarten will he go ? are you still breastfeeding? |
Xanthe | 2006-03-13 09:17 |
which kindergarten will he go ? Alex will go to 培理 are you still breastfeeding? yes, but he is not demanding so much la. |
AndyRain | 2006-03-13 13:25 |
AndyRain | 2006-03-13 13:26 |
AndyRain | 2006-03-13 13:27 |
請怒我插咀. Quote: Xanthe 寫道: monmantong, I know the rate entrying into bank 1 is very high? ==> yes。但因為會改制,每間學校都要分3個banding,所以學校唔會以後唔會爭係派到band 1中學!(這個係聽d主任講的) Is it a pushy school with traditional teaching method? ==> yes. ! 這個... 我又唔覺得這校係好谷d學生喎. 反而我覺得讀得幾輕鬆tim. 所以真係好見人見字的. 睇下你的要求如何!!! So what is the difference between 基灣小學 & 基灣小學(愛蝶灣) ? someone said 愛蝶灣 is better, is it true? Are they in same curriculum? ==> 基灣小學(愛蝶灣)最注重音樂而基灣小學就注重多元智能。我覺得這倆間學校都是好學校。你要問邊間好就真係難答,因為每個家長要求都唔同,小朋友的能力都唔同,最重要睇小朋友讀唔讀到。我有2位朋友係愛蝶灣就因為家長同小朋友都好大壓力就算考到第二名都轉左學校。但有些家長就會好buy基灣小學(愛蝶灣),所以都係睇家長同小朋友。這倆間學校教的課程應該都差不多掛,教署定的。基灣小學(愛蝶灣)每星期測驗一次,基灣小學就2星期測驗一次。 至於你話值唔值每天由tko到skw返學,我就有保留。基灣小學(愛蝶灣)每天返7:30am放2:30pm,基灣小學就返8:30am放3:30pm。每天平均要用1個鐘搭車,做功課都要1個鐘(小一至小二,小三以上仲未知),仲未計課外活動tim,所以如果我住tko我就唔會揀佢。九龍區仲多選擇,不過中學個校網就香港區較好 如你在將軍澳有理想的學校, 那就真係讀番將軍澳會好一點. 我個仔舊年要去佢亞痳度, 來回車程(有一程已經係搭校車)加埋要成起碼個半鐘.佢個人坐車都坐度累晒. 又無晒時間用. |
monmantong | 2006-03-13 19:37 |
Xanthe, he will go to Keen Mind ( Kowloon Tong) in k1. I am still breastfeeding.. :-) |
monmantong | 2006-03-13 19:38 |
Andyrain, thanks. |