Re: 面試表現更重要 拔萃女小學戴何天美校長

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HuiTung | 2006-03-24 11:17

也許是. 但不是人人都可這麼堅定去掉下這個名牌, esp she is an old girl. 我真正想說的是連 old girl 也 .... :giveup:
leehoma001 | 2006-03-24 11:27
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Bluestar | 2006-03-24 11:35

1. DGS has 145y of history, pls calculate the total no. of old girls, and the no. of kids of old girls who are of age to apply each year.
==> Not all kids of all old girls who apply will be admitted.

2. I also know of old girls who apply for their kids ==> attitude is try and see. (Same as the 搏一搏attitude of a lot of parents who have absolutely no connection with DGS/DGJS at all.)
And I know of old girls who do not apply for their kids ==> attitude is to find THE most suitable school.

3. Especially because she is an old girl, ==> 她可以這麼堅定去掉下這個名牌.

Why doesn't anybody believe in "rational behaviour" ? ?-(
leehoma001 | 2006-03-24 11:39
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Darth | 2006-03-24 11:45

咁 "錢" 都已經係一個先決條件啦。
我覺得有好多人係 "駁一駁" 心態,"考到先算" 心態,比小朋友去考,其實經濟上,如果真係要比學費,會孟孟緊。
因此,我唔信個個去考都係咁 "富裕"。

個個都話識有 d 小朋友背景家境一般,都入到 dgs。
咁我都識,亦信真係有 d 小朋友係好出色,不過有幾多個?
情形就好似有 d 人話,駛乜讀咁多書,李嘉誠都冇乜讀書,都咁有錢。其實用 d 少到唔可以再少的個案做例,根本證明唔到 d 乜。

其實大把家庭背景好,亦係成績好的小朋友去考;講真,佢真係大把 choice 。考唔到就算囉,我有覺得未必真係咁好。

我唔係酸葡萄 ( 我都冇女兒),係講真。雖說人揀你,你揀人,不過多數家長都有少少 dgs 情意結。即係好似係男人的 ferrari 。你問十個男人,九個都話佢都望買一部,不過講真,有幾多個真心鍾意?都係一個 "威" 字。個個都想擁有,但係,其實真係咁靚咩?

WYmom | 2006-03-24 11:51
DGJS is mostly regarded as the top elite local girl's school in HK, so no. of applicants every year is huge (over 2000). So Mrs. Tai just wants to tell clearly that she won't have time to read a very long portfolio, max. 5 pages is enough and the interview performance is more important. I think it is very logical, this applies to most interviews, school or job.

She has her own criteria, and it won't be absolutely fair to everyone, but this is the reality in most situations. As parents, we always try our best, so just no harm to apply. Some parents even reject the offer ultimately. No matter which school we choose for the kids, I believe the parents' effort and attitude contribute most to the kids' results ultimately.
HuiTung | 2006-03-24 11:54

Maybe I'm 以己度人 lah! :-) :-) :-) because I'm not an old girl from an elite school .... :-) :-) :-)
Darth | 2006-03-24 12:16
hkis 同 dgs ,學校本身都唔同類型。
hkis 都係 "名牌"。

HuiTung 寫道:

也許是. 但不是人人都可這麼堅定去掉下這個名牌, esp she is an old girl. 我真正想說的是連 old girl 也 .... :giveup:

BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 12:24
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Bluestar | 2006-03-24 12:30
哦,原來係因為在不知情的情況下報左唔收,先正會咁勞氣 !

如果收左,就一係讚不絕口 (順手"威"下),一係 :sick: 無野講。

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