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amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-14 16:57
原來要白鞋而不是黑鞋. 差點去買.
3b | 2006-07-14 18:39
3b 寫道:

上星期六到cky聽了簡介會, 當日雖然下了傾盤大雨, 但是有不少家長同小朋友一齊出席, 聽完之後我們對學校加深認識不少, 亦有參觀同學的習作, 內容十分有趣, 英文程度亦高, 我同我丈夫都十分喜歡此學校, 覺得適合我們的兒子(比較活潑, 好動), 只是對教學模式有些擔心, 因貴校是以課外書教學, 同其他一般學校的模式絕對不同(填鴨式), 亦是我們欣賞之地方, 但是學校只是成立了4年, 對成效有d擔心.

各位對這方面可以賜教嗎 ?

各位, 可否和我分享你們的看法. :wave:
hennyyoyo | 2006-07-17 00:30

1. 書簿費?錢、課外書本是否很貴,我聽聞學校鼓勵學生閱讀,因此可能要買大量課外書本,價錢每年可能過萬蚊,但問題係唔係一定要買哂所有書,唔買又得唔得,又或
cherriemama | 2006-07-17 02:00
聽聞蔡繼有將有新校舍, 請問會o係邊呢? 新校舍幾時落成? Thank you! :wave:
Clementmammy | 2006-07-17 10:41
Dear all CKY parent,

I went to the seminar on Fri and Sat. Finally my son got Clarinet at the end.(It was his favorite instructment)

On Sat, I saw the school Viedo and I told my husband that I am sure I made a RIGHT choice for my son. I can feel that children are really happy in their school life, and in the other hand, they can also learn in the same time.

My son was studying in a TOUGH kindergarten. And in his passed 3 years I did blame myself from time to time. Although he learnt a lot, but I can said he is not happy at all.
When he fall in asleep. He tired off his eyelashes. And I bring him to see DR. The Dr said he got this action was because he have pressure. (As a mother, I really feel bad).

Keep in touch and may all the student in CKY have a very happy school life!!!
father_ho | 2006-07-17 16:04
Dear hennyyoyo,

1. It all depends on how many extra books you want to provide to your kids, I think several thousands per year should be more than enough.

2. CKY did not increase school fee for the last three years. Can't predict the future since they do need money to cover back the rebuild charge(can't say how much money your faimily should earn for two kids. but roughly about 7000-8000per kid per month is necessary including school bus, lunch fee, ECA, books,music and 1 to 2 extra personal learn function(s) etc but excluding any LEA since not every student has it).

3. To me, timing should be comfortable from your information provided.

4. ECA all scheduled in Sat. and is of extra fee (already included in point 2) and they also provide school bus for ECA(with extra charge).

5. I think most of parents will not fix the kids future study area, it all depends on the ability of child and since IBD will soon be adopted by many schools. As discussed before, most of the local U. will accept their application.(You can just read from the recent news concering IBD score of Shatin College and Lee Po Chun, if kids can score well, world class U. will surely has the interest to admit them. Will the local U. just sit and let those bright students fly away).

Hope these information can help.
kyliema2006 | 2006-07-17 17:10
上星期到過學校的music orientation及看過學校的video, 我對兒子說,很羨慕他能入讀如此小學,學校有很多不同的活動,e.g. talk show, English Camp, Roman water game, field trips, overseas trips及各類型的表現,從而發掘孩子各方面的興趣,及培育其所長。學校没有精英班,考試亦没有名次,令同學互勉學習。老師頗風趣幽默,而學生是從獎勵中學習,更可加強孩子自信。與傳統學校相比,大多數孩子都是在沉重的壓力下學習,變得厭倦書本,失去讀書的興趣,這才是最可悲的教育制度。


:roll: :roll: ;-) ;-)

kyliema2006 | 2006-07-17 17:15
cherriemama 寫道:
聽聞蔡繼有將有新校舍, 請問會o係邊呢? 新校舍幾時落成? Thank you! :wave:

The current campus will be demolished. The target re-construction completion date is in the year 2009 summer.

If you want to ask his temp campus, it is near to So Uk Estate 新會商會小學。

:-P :-P
hennyyoyo | 2006-07-17 18:54
Dear father Ho

amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-17 18:59
請問學校的午餐是幾時開始訂. 那間公司? 多選擇嗎?
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