kunggi201 | 2006-07-19 08:53 |
Quote: DodoluMama 寫道: Hi CKY parents, since CKY emphasizes a lot in developing languages skills, there is no doubt the students can communicate well in both English & PTH. I am just wondering if they have any accent acquired? like, PTH with Northern China accent or Taiwan accent? or do the students have "HK English" accent or AUS/UK/US accent? thanks. My personal view about accent. Actually it is not my concern. Firstly CKY teachers came from different countries, e.g. US, Canada and even India (from observation), so it gives opportunity to the kids to learn English from different cultures. Secondly we are now in a globalised economy, where corporations hire people in accordance with their ability not their cultural background. I am working in a service company and my clients are all multi-nationals. I know many senior executives who are not American or British. For examples, I know a HR Regional Director, who comes from the Philippines and works in HK/China. He hires HK people and has many HK staff. Also many Indian CEOs I met in many large companies, so as the Hispanic people who have their own accent. The past WTO Secretary-General was a Thai, and he speaks Thai-style English. So, I am rather open in regard to accent. |
kunggi201 | 2006-07-19 09:00 |
Quote: hennyyoyo 寫道: Dear kunggi201, 多謝你的分享!我也很羨慕你的孩子家中有數佰本圖書。其實孩子喜歡看書,無論是什麼類型,只要適合他們看的,都一定有得著。而我也不定時會買書給他們看,當然到圖書館借就最實際,不過book書就未試過,所以真的多謝你提醒! 講真由元朗出到出面讀書真是很遠,其實元朗都有 |
kunggi201 | 2006-07-19 09:11 |
Quote: ctm 寫道: kunggi201 Did you kid need to go to extra creative writing class or grammar class after school. ctm My kid does not attend any extra academic course outside the school. I think it is not necessary. He only attends a few interest groups, such as drawing, instrument and chess. “Creative Writing” is actually “English Writing”, just the trick the school uses. For examples, the school calls 中文週記as 「我的秘密事件簿」,中文詞語簿 as 「句子馬拉松」(to encourage kids to write as many Chinese vocabulary as possible), and sometimes they call projects as “Mission” As per my understanding from the English teacher, the path of learning English is as follows: P.1 – Learn to read, just to “recognise” the words, no need to memorise the spelling P.2 – begin to spell the words, and start writing. P.3 – Start working on the grammer |
Clementmammy | 2006-07-20 15:31 |
Dear CKY parent, Do I need to buy a computer for my son in P1? Thank you in advance for your information |
kunggi201 | 2006-07-21 14:38 |
Quote: Clementmammy 寫道: Dear CKY parent, Do I need to buy a computer for my son in P1? Thank you in advance for your information 小一computer course只係教d開機閉機點用mouse 然後用「小畫家」簡單學習電腦運用 孩子不需要在家做電腦功課 不過有時做project要找資料圖片 最簡單是上網,如download交通工具照片之類 沒有電腦,可以在magazine找 當然是家長和孩子一起找,性質像「親子功課」 到小二做project時,學校老師教孩子們用google找資料,如sea creatures,又會教用Office 如MS Words. 我覺得,買不買電腦與小一的需要沒有關係,主要是看家長想不想孩子早些接觸電腦,早些學習上網和打字也是好事;到小二時,最好是有電腦給孩子用 |
Clementmammy | 2006-07-21 16:41 |
Dear Kunggi, Thank you so much for your information. Is very usefyl. Thanks. Have a nice weekend |
塞曼莎 | 2006-07-21 18:27 |
猫哥哥, 點解CKY間課本供應商可以有些書一些折扣都冇:sm: ,舉例Longman書,天x行都有10% off... 你哋之前有冇反映過呢. |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-23 00:03 |
請問英文拼音有無教? Phonics? 我小朋友今年讀P2, 但從沒有學Phonics. Spelling 方面會難掌握d. 點解有d學校收10個月學費, 有d收11個月呢? |
kunggi201 | 2006-07-24 09:16 |
Quote: 塞曼莎 寫道: 猫哥哥, 點解CKY間課本供應商可以有些書一些折扣都冇:sm: ,舉例Longman書,天x行都有10% off... 你哋之前有冇反映過呢. 小一時有向staff反映過,忘了具體回應 總之,校方是向不同供應商直接訂,有些是向海外訂的 我唔知點解冇discount,可能是訂量少掛(比起書局) 當時我問的是,如果本身已經有某一本書,是否可以扣除 staff說,要先訂所有,書到才辦退書手續 結果我也算了,不知是否有家長真的可以成功退書? 一般出面學校都是學生拿書單在外買書 CKY幫學生訂好多唔同供應商的書,在Adm方面是有額外工作壓力 Service唔多好,我都算啦 希望家教會成員可以反映一下啦 貓叔叔 |
kunggi201 | 2006-07-24 09:31 |
Quote: amandalyy2002 寫道: 請問英文拼音有無教? Phonics? 我小朋友今年讀P2, 但從沒有學Phonics. Spelling 方面會難掌握d. 點解有d學校收10個月學費, 有d收11個月呢? 有冇教Phonics?唔肯定喎 我孩子入CKY前已經學過phonics 我唔知老師有沒有逐個A, B, C..咁教單字母phonics 不過,從帶回家worksheet 所見 校方是會教「雙字母拼音」 如教「at」,跟著就「bat」、「cat」、「fat」….等 「ad」,跟著就「bad」、「mad」、「sad」之類 記得以前有一次見工 問間公司,點解年尾冇雙糧 HR答:你要雙糧,好易遮,我將妳一年人工除13,你咪有13個月糧囉,你要14個月都得架! 同一原理,一年學費,可以除10,也可以除11 (7月返半日學,上半月課,但俾足今年價$3,800架!如果用「月費」去衡量,都幾唔happy架,所以心入面要用「年費」計,當係「分期付款」,哈!) |