amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-26 18:27 |
Is the shoe label only for P1? How about other grade? |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-26 18:35 |
Venice121 校服和書本好像要跟指定商店購買. 如書商是小樹苗, 他們會直接送書到學校. 請家長糾正如不正確. |
curry123 | 2006-07-26 21:19 |
Hi amandalyy 2002, According to the talk, the kids need to take off their shoes before entering the speical rooms. Thus, the teachers suggested that all the kid's shoes should put their names in . I think that the shoes label is convenience. CKY won't help us to order the shoe label. Thus , I make the order for my kid. |
curry123 | 2006-07-26 21:20 |
Clementmammy and kyliema2006, Please check the PM. |
venice121 | 2006-07-26 23:29 |
Dear amandalyy, Thanks a lot. :lol: |
sirlo | 2006-07-27 01:01 |
Hi all CKY parents, Just want to do a survey, how many of CKY parents plan to send your kids study aboard after the completion of g12 in CKY? I'm wondering do the kids be admitted by HK local university easily because of the IB syllabus? Kindly to hear all you comments and advises. Regards, |
kunggi201 | 2006-07-27 15:30 |
Quote: venice121 寫道: Dear Kunggi, 想向你請教有關買校服及訂書,請問那處買校服比較好?是否一定要向指定書商購買書本呢?謝謝! :-) 抱歉,答不到問題 因為工作幾忙,書本方面都是由得學校去訂 總之學校俾書單我,我開支票俾學校 孩子上學時,教到甚麼課程,學校就給他那一本書 不用我四圍撲書,不用孩子一次過拿一大堆書回家 印象中,P2好像有一本書結果校方訂不到 所以在P3書單拘番差額 校服方面,唔熟喎,總之學校找那一間校服公司,我就去該間訂 唔想到處走,懶囉 |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-07-27 19:22 |
Hi Curry123 Can you pm me too? |
venice121 | 2006-07-27 20:36 |
Dear Sirlo, I will send my boy to UK after graduation. I'm not sure the syllabus in abroad. I just want him to have a good foundation of English. :lol: |
wingpapa | 2006-07-27 22:33 |
I have not made up my mind that to send by child to study oversea yet, I also wondering the IB syllabus is more difficult to get a place in HK'S university except you get the high score. As I know there are only 10% seat for oversea student( IB student) including china student. I worried if the child has not get the high score in IB syllabus, he hard to get any place in higher education in HK even in other country .Will he still get the chance to study such as associate degree or IVE? |