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Zhi | 2007-01-06 15:51
It seems that most of the problems disclosed by Tasha, etc, pertain to their secondary school. Our kids started studying at YC's kindergarten. My older daughter is now in YC lower primary, and so far we are quite satisfied with the overall quality of the school. Having said that, we are only going to take YC one year at a time. We definitely will not consider YC for their secondary schooling.

YC-MOM | 2007-01-06 15:59

我都認識有一 d YC 學生去了 PLK CKY。
聽轉了校的同學仔講,PLK CKY 英文程度比 YC 還要低得多,不過中文就較難。

不過, 聞說 PLK CKY 係跟 YC curriculum 的.

應該唔係跟, YC 用的,係英國 cirriculum 的,唔係自創的。

Saturn | 2007-01-06 18:08

I heard from a PLK CKY parent's comment that their English standard could be compared with YC. Does it mean CKY's Eng. standard is still low? I heard that started from Sept 2006, CKY employed quite a lot of Native Eng. teachers. The NAT teachers' percentage in the school have become almost as high as IS. Anyone knows about it? I'm not a CKY parent, but just curious about the standard of the school.
father_ho | 2007-01-06 20:51
May be I can provide some input to the discussion since I am a CKY parent. Every school must have some below and above standard student and the situation even significant in IS or IS like school. It all depends on family cares and since IS is much relax in terms of designated homework, this can give lots of freedom for student to explore and develop more meaningful aspect. If in the worse case, family does not provide such ingredient, no matter how good the school should be, you cannot expect the outcome is excellent. That is why parent should choose the right school for their kid, passive kid and busy parent actually is not suitable for IS like school(just my view). As reflected from my elder kid, the standard of higher grade did varies a lot but for my younger daughter, she said not much difference except Chinese subject for some from kids from IS kindergarden. Fair to say, YC's academic structure is good but as heard from this topic, may be it is software problem. Also, parent can discuss with the workers in the school, they may give you a true picture of what's the actual student behavior (that's what I did) rather than just listen to the related parties.
bebe1217 | 2007-01-07 01:41
我而家都好worry , 因為我仔可能將會入讀Y2, 但聽完Tasha 既意見, 令我都卻步及重申再考慮一下, 是否應該比仔仔入讀, 咁你女女係YC 讀邊級架 ?? 佢平時d 功課, 同學習進度如何?? 學校有無考試 , 測驗 or dictation ??? 學校既課外活動多嗎 ??? 因為我仔而家幼稚園程度都好深, 有d 都有小二, 三既程度, 仲要考埋cambridge , 吾知佢入左去, 會吾會吾適應呢 ?? 但我先生幾想仔仔入YC...攪到而家仲15, 16 :roll: :roll: THANKS~~~ :adore: Quote:
Zhi 寫道:
It seems that most of the problems disclosed by Tasha, etc, pertain to their secondary school. Our kids started studying at YC's kindergarten. My older daughter is now in YC lower primary, and so far we are quite satisfied with the overall quality of the school. Having said that, we are only going to take YC one year at a time. We definitely will not consider YC for their secondary schooling.

Tasha | 2007-01-10 16:45
家長與學生期待多時的新校舍終於啓用了,很多家長都期盼一個新的開始.但新的校舍真的會帶來曙光嗎?新校舍無疑會吸引更多學生報讀耀中,在客源增加的情况下.恐怕學校對家長的訴求 (改善教學質素),更加致若妄聞.面對家長對debenture 的不滿,學校境然曾作如此回應 :”家長有權選擇學校”說得明白一点.即是”唔高興咪走人囉”.這是甚麽咀臉? 別說是辦學,就是做生意也是極其拙劣的態度.

隨着新校舍啓用,學校會增收學生,根据學校網頁資料,學校最多可容納 1240個學生. 到時Year 7-11有8班,每班有25人, Year 12 -13 有5班,每班24人.即是說比現時學生人數多了大約一倍. 近年耀中灠收插班生導致整體英語水平低落已是眾所週知的事,若再多收一倍恐怕情况更加惡劣. 現時 Yr 6約有百多個學生, 到了 Yr7突然變了200人, 額外的學生從何而來呢? 國際學校之間,學生互相轉校本是平常事.但很少聽聞有別的國際學校學生轉到耀中,反之從耀中轉走的大有人在,尤其是完成小學而又成績優異的.多年來聽過轉到 ESF (KGV, SC), CIS, GSIS, HKIS 甚致是傳統名校, 除了ESF外,其他的學費都和耀中相距不遠,而HKIS的debenture更高達50萬.大部份成績好的學生都不在耀中升中學, 升了的到了Year 9 Year 10 亦流失很多, 聽過一個個案,有家長帶着兩個孩子從國內耀中轉到香港,讀了不過幾個月,急急把孩子轉走,為甚麽?女
靚bb | 2007-02-17 17:27
Hi all

My son will be 2 years old in Mar and i'm interested in YC's classes. However, I found from the website that there are many different programmes, e.g. Romper Learning, Two's Programme, and Mainstream programme offered for 2 years old kid. Can any mama give some advices and comments of these programmes? What are the differences between Kindergarten campus and Children's House campus?

咪咪媽 | 2007-03-23 06:25
我的孩子是從幼稚園讀到現在小學的. 我認為耀中的幼稚園還是OK的. 幾年前耀中把幼稚園年資長的大批老師解約, 因為大部份的薪金都在約二萬左右. 現在的老師都只是教育局所要求的標準薪金.而且外籍老師和本地老師待遇很不同, 也是令很多老師不滿的地方. 小學方面, 我知道有一位低年級的中文老師就是在幼稚園的編制而在教小學. 學校除了在老師薪金方面令人不滿外, 管理上也令人很氣結, 今年三年級就有二位中文老師同時辭職(三年級只有二位中文老師). 而學校找來的二位代課老師其中一位竟然是只在老人中心和新移民中文教人識字的義工教師. 經過多位家長與學校交涉, 學校把該老師更換了, 但更誇張, 這位老師只是補習社的老師! 每個月一萬多元的學費竟然是這樣! 本週是中文測驗(耀中只有測驗沒有考試), 為了是次測驗, 老師一週教三篇課文, 有一課還沒教完就測驗了. 有個小朋友病了不能參加測驗, 這位老師居然將測驗卷交給小朋友, 叫家長為這個小朋友做測驗. 我們見這位老師時, 她一直不停地強調小朋友的學習態度馬虎, 為人師表, 她郤是做得如何? 一句話講晒, 這個學校太商業化. 管理又差. 我們這些家長都覺得上了賊船. Quote:
Tasha 寫道:
教育基本上是一項人與人接觸的工作 (老師與学生,同學和學同之間).優良的師資是優質教育的先决條件. 好的老師應俱備專業學術知識,對教育有熱枕,關心学生.耀中從來都沒有公開教師的資歷,家長們每月萬多元的學費究竟請了些甚麼學歷的老師呢?無從得知!其實,如果孩子上學愉快,學業有進步,品格有良好發展,家長絕不會探究老師的paper qualifications.但當上述三 樣都發生問題時,家長不禁對師資校政產生疑問.有去過耀中中學部Parent Teacher meetings的家長都會發覺老師一般比較冷淡,欠缺熱枕,有些一句起兩句止. Meeting 大概 由四點到六點,但每每五點半未到,好多枱都己經空了 (即老師走了).小学部老師常見的caring在中學部是一種罕見的質素.老師對學生很冷漠, 許多學生亦因此對學校無歸屬感.有些老師對所教的科目的專科知識不足, 上堂很 disorganized.學校整體學術水平 每况愈下. 中學部不是沒有好老師,只是數目不太多,而且流動量很大.例如中文科有位非常好的老師 (学生及家長都公認) 但今年又另有高就了.為甚麽學校留不住好的老師呢?

之前有家長提及耀中老師薪酬超低, 我亦有聽過類似的傳言, 低到甚麽地步呢?無法得知.但如果”超低”是事實,那實在令一眾家長憤怒莫名.家長交這樣龎大的學費,而孩子的老師竟然 poorly paid,優質的老師又怎會到耀中教呢,就算去到亦很快離開.因種種原因不能離開的亦會不開心. 不開心的老師又怎会有教學的熱心,怎會関心學生呢?以前耀中學生人數少,可能沒有economy of scale, 調整薪金可能有局限,但近年不斷增加收生,double, triple都唔止,為何老師的代遇這麽差?

讓我來計計簡單的數: 保守估計現時小學有750人, 中學有600人,共1350人,小學學費每月約為 $12800, 中學約$13100. 即每月淨學費收入是 $12800 x 750 + $13100 x 600 = $17,460,000. 一千七百多萬元!!尚未括每個 term收的 miscellaneous fees (千多元), 超貴的 school lunch ($42 一餐), 校服 和滚存的利息 等等. 橫睇掂睇,都無理由underpay 老師 .現在又要收 debenture, 每個舊生十五萬, 政府不是已經資助了嗎,究竟收收埋埋的錢通通去了那裡? 家長交高昂的學費是希望孩子得到優質教育, 期望高質素的師資, 不是讓辦學机構到五湖四海開分校(分店?). Profit-making 不要緊, 但要有辦學的良心 , 孩子接受 教育不是買件衫, 買棵菜, 買錯了可以棄之再來過, 轉校不是話走就走,孩子心靈有很大震蕩.錯過了的時間就是錯過了,不能追回. 耀中許多家長都是middle-class professionals,萬多元一個月是很大的數目,一心入耀中只為優質教育,好讓孩子免受千瘡百孔的主流教育摧殘, 學校辦得不好,家長是何等的痛心失望!

Debenture 一事簡直是個鬧劇.致少五六年前開始講有新校舍, 由始致終都無提過 debenture, 只說會減學費,有優質設施,更完整地貫徹一條龍的教育理念.有位一年前入學的新生家長亦說當時學校完全沒有提及.debenture 一事.失驚無神每個學生耍交20萬,令她覺得有被欺騙的感覺,就像被人㩒住來搶. 學校寄給家長的信,更附有如何向銀行借貸和貸款優惠的傳單, 好似怕家長走數!建新校舍是龎大的工程,需要數億元,理應早早就有完善的財務安排, 為甚麽沒有預早宣報debenture,是故意隱瞞,引人”落搭”(轉校生), 還是財務安排失當,last minute 才知要用debenture來籌款?又還是要開新的分店??

讀得耀中的,家長都不會是窮人,雖然有些家長或者需要張羅一下才可以滕出20萬,但相信對很多家長來說(尤其是做生意的), 20 萬亦可能是個很小數目,如果學校辦得好,學生得益,莫說是debenture,就是donation也毫不 吝嗇.現在的風波,看似為金錢爭”咬”,其實是家長趁debenture這條導火線,爆發濾積的不滿和怨氣.就如你用很多錢去租一間豪宅,發現又漏水, 又甩皮, 電器又壞, 問題多多, 投訴了,但業主又不理, 竟然重話要加租,跟住重話唔高興可以走人.你有甚麽感覺呢??可笑的是原本20萬的debenture因為家長強烈反响,突然變了舊生15萬,新生20萬. 究竟最初20萬的原價是怎樣定出來的呢?為何竟有25%的減價空間?如果每個家長都是順民,對20萬逆來順受, 那麽”多”了錢會拿來作甚麽用途呢?15 萬之後,是否再有減價的空間呢?這些都是一般家長的疑問. Debenture的價目可以胡亂定立,隨意更改,家長們自不然對學校的財務管理能力存疑. 日後學生離校. 能否取回金額. 有問題會得到甚麽保障, 亦是家長的疑問? 海域國際都可以有8億(?) 不知所踪, Nothing is impossible.

今天到此為止, 因為越講越氣餒, 傷心又傷神!!


KaKaYa | 2007-03-23 15:56
完全講晒我的心裹話,心淡 :-( 已過檔別的學校;希望大家將來可以取回失去的東西,時間就沒有計了 :-( 死証 :-o
Tasha有同感當家長是陽鼓 :-o 學校愈做愈差...失望 :angryfire:
foolish.mom | 2007-03-23 18:43
My son has been in YC since 2 years old. Now he is in upper primary. My opinion is that we need to find a school which suits our kids in most aspects like characters, learning ability, learning habits, etc..

He was in YC main stream kindergarten. So his Chinese was fair but his English was not that good as compared with other YCIS children. After entering primary section, he has amazing improvement in English every year, especially in comprehension ability and composition. His Chinese standard can be maintained to be comparable to average local school children. So, as a result-oriented parent, I think placing him at YC has achieved what I want him to be, while learning under least pressure.

YC always boosts its "individual approach to learning". I don't know the teacher-student ratio of other IS. But there are less than 20 students in my son's class. For English lessons, they are divided into 3 groups according to ability. With only 5 students in the high-achievers' group (my son said the English standard of his classmates is better than mine), they have plenty of time to interact with the native teacher, while competing with the other best students. I admit that some students have poor ability and English, but they are given special attention. My son said some classmates with learning problems have a native teacher giving one-on-one coaching.

Like other IS, the key is whether they are willing to spend time reading books and self-learning. They don't have much homework, so the time saved can be used for reading piles of books which they are interested. For children having less interest in reading books, they'd better find a local school with lots of drills.

YC has a lot of gifted students, and as I noted, the best performing ones are those joining at kindergarten or lower primary level.

YC primary is the best choice for my son, though I still have hesitation whether to stay through the secondary school. (CIS's chinese is about 2 years behind YC's standard according to another parent.)

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