curry123 | 2006-09-01 17:17 |
Dear all, My son is in 1C. The NET teacher is Mr. Henzie and Miss Cham . Besides, Mr Chan is also a teacher in Charge of 1C. Today the school bus was late for nearly 30 minutes. I don't know why they asked all the students to wait somewhere without any cover. As there is a minibus stop near my place, normally most of the school buses stop there to pick up the kids. I think they choose the undesirable stop.How about the weather ? I can't imagine. I hope they can imporve later. |
car-long | 2006-09-01 18:02 |
kyliema , 蔡主任可以幫妳聯絡校車的 . car-long |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-01 18:06 |
Dear Car-long, Thanks. :mrgreen: |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-01 18:06 |
Dear Car-long, Thanks. :mrgreen: |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-09-04 09:46 |
Hi Car-long 請問是不是全部英文科老師都是NAT? 我囡的中英文老師是中國人.她是讀Year 2. amandalyy2002 |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-09-04 09:47 |
Hi Clementmammy Where you live? I live in Tsing Yi and my bus is very sharp to pick up and drop off. We are also not waiting at point to point. I need to walk all the way down to the point about 5 mins. amandalyy2002 |
chunon524 | 2006-09-04 10:13 |
各位CKY家長, 我的大女今年要選小一學校, CKY也是其中心儀的一間, 請問幾時會有開放日? Many thanks :wave: :wave: |
car-long | 2006-09-04 15:39 |
amandalyy2002 , Sorry , 我仔仔上年已經無讀 CKY , Sorry ! 他 只係 P.2-4 係 CKY 讀過咋 ! car-long |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-04 17:44 |
Quote: chunon524 寫道: 各位CKY家長, 我的大女今年要選小一學校, CKY也是其中心儀的一間, 請問幾時會有開放日? Many thanks :wave: :wave: Dear Chunon, To my understanding, there were some talks taken place in the summer holiday, and I'm not sure whether there is any more talks to be held in near future. You could sometimes check their website 'PLK Choi Kai Yau School' to see whether there is any update news. :roll: :roll: |
Clementmammy | 2006-09-04 18:21 |
Hi Clementmammy Where you live? I live in Tsing Yi and my bus is very sharp to pick up and drop off. We are also not waiting at point to point. I need to walk all the way down to the point about 5 mins. amandalyy2002 I am living in Kowloon Tong. Today my son and the other kids both of them they waited downstair for around 30min. So the mother of the other kid called the bus driver and the driver told us to go to the other building and wait. The mother of the other kid get mad and told the driver MUST come to pick us up in front of the bus stop but not any further. At the end the bus came. I am wondering why the bus don't want to come and pick us up (Now we need to wait in front of the bus stop without cover), what if there is a heavy rain????? :angryfire: |