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mckong | 2007-06-25 17:27
Thank you for giving me a reply.
My daugther is same as my eldest son. My eldest son could not speak well when he was two. The test in healthy clinic showed that he was good at problem solving but a bit poor in using language to express himself. So I let him study in N class. Up to 2.5 years old, I found that he had an improvement on speaking. Now, everyone says he is very good at organising ideas, communicating with others.
My eldest son enjoys his school life very much. Even though I moved to Tsuen Wan in Jan., I didn't help him change the school. He will be in P.1 in Tsuen Wan in Sept. He gets a seat after having an interview.
For my second son, he is in K2. He has been studying in this school(a kindergarten in Tsuen Wan0 for 6 months. But I am facing some problems about the school.
As I have already settle my eldest son's issue(P.1 interview), I am now going to get more information about 荃灣浸信會幼稚園. I am sure my daugther understands what all we talk to her. But she seldem talks to us. She enjoys communicating with us by using facial expression and body language instead of using language. I think she will be good at using language later. But if the interview is in early Nov., I'm afriad she can't have good performance. :-|
必必 | 2007-06-25 22:00

今日阿女放假, 阿仔放學後就帶了對仔女去了disneyland, 睇完煙花先返屋企, 今日真係玩到夠.


我未換衫, 等星期三/四, 出去湊女時, 先至去太子換.
今次個嬸嬸好睇得起我個仔, 俾條x14碼的褲俾佢, 返到家一試, 雖然有橡根, 但真係太鬆, 著條褲上身之後會跌落地, 真係好好笑. :-)


睇示範單位大門口外面唔多人, 但入到去要輪lift, 都要等幾耐, 仲有我們個個單位都去八下, 睇下外出的風景, 唔經唔覺都2個鐘. :-o


你著件由頭包到落腳的泳衣, 就唔會嚇親小朋友啦! :-)

oiyingdaddy | 2007-06-25 22:17

晚安! 今日都好晒喎! 有無變燒豬呀!
oiyingdaddy | 2007-06-25 22:34

今日放工既時候, 見到你同我個 friend !
必必 | 2007-06-25 22:39

我們差唔多3點先入去disneyland, 去到玩室內遊戲先, 避下太陽. 今日見到阿女的同學仔, 多得一班97兒童, disneyland多了一批小童客+一批帶97兒童入去的家長.

oiyingdaddy答案都好與眾不同, 難怪可以突圍而出, oiying幾時買書/校服?

Eric-papa | 2007-06-25 22:46
咁夜 :-? 佢重係必必未來鄰居呀 :lalala:

必必 | 2007-06-25 22:52

你個friend - 我的未來鄰居有無上bk? 有就請佢去荃灣區 - 有關新居的topic, 我們現在召集緊鄰居.
oiyingdaddy | 2007-06-25 22:55

學校話6月底會寄信通知註冊, 應該係7月6日去學校攪手續!
oiyingdaddy | 2007-06-25 22:59

我6點幾搭地鐵時見到佢! 都唔係好夜啫!
Eric-papa | 2007-06-25 23:07
有冇問過你地兩個人一組做乜,唔通留响學校照顧未輪到去葵盛小朋友 :-)
我朋友住2座G室,佢昨日話全屋做框,大概8萬,你有冇好介紹 :-?
我每個月都會去一次佢屋企,到時可以去會所相遇 :cheeze:

你一向夜慣嘛 8-) 有冇話識我呀 :lalala:
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