kyliema2006 | 2006-09-08 14:58 |
Dear bebe_c, 若根據去年經驗,小孩子會由老師帶領到其它課室玩遊戲,如中文併字,'女'+'子';simon says..;而家長就需要填問卷,及與老師見面,傾談孩子在家中情況,亦會問到孩子每星期會花多少時間閱讀,每月到圖書館的次數等。 小孩子遊戲過程約一個多小時,老師帶他們回來時,大多數都是笑咪咪的,因為有糖果送。小孩反應是開心的,故不需要有甚麼訓練及準備,以平常心出席即可。 希望可以有所幫助。 :wave: :wave: |
塞曼莎 | 2006-09-08 15:26 |
kyliema2006, 16號車有冇超載? |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-08 16:53 |
Dear 塞曼莎: 因家住的地方是校車的中途站,故未曾見到超載情況,但據校車姐姐所說,校車仍會再多接幾個站的孩子,方到學校。以我所見,校車離開時,祇餘下幾個坐位。雖然孩子說没有超載情況,但他回答時,語氣模稜兩可,不知是否屬實。 :-? :-? |
amandalyy2002 | 2006-09-08 22:25 |
請問有沒有保良局幼稚園是英語教學? 並大機會入蔡繼有? |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-11 16:26 |
記得第一次面試時,曾問過孩子或家人曾否入讀保良局的學校,相信會給予額外分數。至於英語教學,就不得而知了。 |
lily3258 | 2006-09-12 13:14 |
Dear Amandalyy2002, My son is also studying in P2 but her English teacher is Chinese (my son told me that she can't speak and listen Cantonese.) I don't know is that true or not?? regards lily3258 Quote: amandalyy2002 寫道: Hi Car-long 請問是不是全部英文科老師都是NAT? 我囡的中英文老師是中國人.她是讀Year 2. amandalyy2002 |
Clementmammy | 2006-09-12 13:52 |
Dear CKY parent, My son was in P1 this year. He has been studying in CKY for almost 2 weeks. My god! He loves the school so much and he's now go to bed every night at 10:00 o'clock and wake up in the morning automatically. He told me that he knew a lot of friends in his class and the teachers are so nice. Unbelivable..... When he was in his kindergarten school life, he hate (afraid)going to school. And now it made a big different. As a mother, I am so happy to see that. :-D |
wong3284 | 2006-09-12 16:59 |
你好, 小兒今年也想考 貴校,請問學童成功考進的機會率是多少?會否設男女生比例?謝謝。 |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-12 18:32 |
Dear Wong3284, 根據去年經驗,成功率大概是12%,約8至10個選1個。至於男女生比例,就不曾聽聞。建議您到CKY的網址看看各級別的班照片,就可以知道男女生的數量了。 祝 順利入讀理想學校! :-P :-P |
wong3284 | 2006-09-12 19:42 |
kyliema2006, thank you very much. |