Re: 入女拔是否要睇家底?

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laugh | 2004-10-05 17:51
這點真令人費解, 此校的學生絕少"大肥妹", 還有一點是面相看來極之相像
babyjerry 寫道:

JJ1122 | 2004-10-05 17:52
但係真係無試過一家3口都著到見工咁一齊行出街...諗起想笑添. :oops:
laugh 寫道:
你自己往求職時是會穿合適的衣服去面試. 難道這理你也不懂.

laugh | 2004-10-05 18:07
1. 如此校真的如你所說那真的不值得浪費時間!!!!! 難道每事交給學校便完成了自己的責任嗎?

2. 你以為拔萃的家長會跟你作口舌之爭. 老師是怎樣的料子大家有目共睹無容置疑. 什麼壓力!!外面的學校同樣大

YCPA 寫道:

I say negative because:
1. it seems the school only care what you can contribute to the school. Are the kids working for the school? Should it be the other way round? Quite snobbish.

2. So far no one say good things like the teacher care about the kids? Instead, most of the comments are things like very keen competition among kids, great pressure, serious social class difference etc. :-|

laugh | 2004-10-05 18:10
大方得體便可, :-D 專重別人等同專重自己. 祝你好運
JJ1122 寫道:
但係真係無試過一家3口都著到見工咁一齊行出街...諗起想笑添. :oops:

laugh | 2004-10-05 18:20
我心中所想的, 全給你說了

judy 寫道:





laugh | 2004-10-05 18:25
又問句大家, 若您是校長你又怎樣去殷選呢? 是否也一樣
Sindy | 2004-10-05 18:32
七至八成有家底的學生,二至三成有本事既學生,咁就夠我地猜測啦 :cheeze: :cheeze:
flowerglassy | 2004-10-05 18:35
how come this 'laugh' looks so angry? ?-(
| 2004-10-05 21:38
a similar story:

25年前,一個15歲的新移民, 到st. stephen 要求插班。結果,當然考不到 because her English was too poor. But she worked hard and finally got into st. stephen 's form 6 with an "A" in O'level English.

she eventually went to London University and works as a professional now.

youma | 2004-10-05 22:23
I also know a girl studying in DGJS.

Is she outstanding? Years ago before entering DGJS, she was shy, impolite and dump - nothing special. But when I meet her again this year, she is confident and polite. She is also brilliant in swimming, music and academics.8-)

How did she enter? The girl graduated from CCK Kindergarten. Her father is a business professional, not very rich but a deacon in SHK Church. Her mother is a housewife but very good in English, at least much better than me. :lol:

Is DGJS a good school? I have no idea. The girl said her mother taught her more than the school. Most of her classmates are nice and some are nobbish and, as expected, very rich. :hammer:
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