j-ma-ma | 2005-06-01 12:19 |
BoMomMom, Yes, I get the application form on a fix day (different hour for boys and for girls), hand in the form at a fix time (again different for boys and for girls) and they will arrange the interview. Unlikely, the interview crash with the first exam of my daughter so I try to re-arrange. If the sec told me exactly that it's not possilbe, I will go anyway. But since she told me that I could go early as the first batch to interview, I try. Anyway, the interview was completed unhappily because the headmistress find from the interview form that the time is different. She come out and shout at the sec and the sec of course do not admit that she ask me to go early. Of course, we fail the interview. This is not a single case that I have heard from my friend. So I will not try again for my younger daughter. |
flowerglassy | 2005-06-01 12:52 |
請恕我無知,當我經過了女小拔的面試經驗,我知道所謂choose the best只是個神話。請問,誰能保証舊生、名人子女、名人推薦的一定是the best?而這些人的女兒可以說是差不多必收的。或者大家聽到這個學校名字,就必然認為他們代表the best,連校長也如神仙能看穿別人的智能吧。還有,有人認為女拔中學會差過小學因為有人派入去。哈哈,這人對女拔收生究竟了解過嗎?女拔從派位收回來的,都是每間學校最top個d,真正好成績是女拔,不是女小拔啊。請不要再神話化選生啦。我只相信,校長的個人感覺、幼稚園、推薦、舊生等才是入這所小學的重點。唔好為此去催谷自已的女兒。如果無背景,香港還有很多好學校,或者去考基督堂囉,機會幾好架。 :lol: |
Msma | 2005-06-01 13:33 |
咁我仲愚玫,個個都讀cckg 架,無個入到dgjs窩! 感係真係好arm 窩,讀 cckg 無入dgjs個個係一定唔會係名人,富人,高官d女,通常因係係普通家庭,就算讀cckg,就算有幾叻,幾好,佢都會放棄架啦 ,點都唔會收晒架嗎 ! 睇你好個背境合唔合嘮! 係名人之後,喊住唔答都收左 啦 ! 佢有簡人自由,無計架! :mrgreen: |
iris3816 | 2005-06-01 13:54 |
:-( |
麟媽媽 | 2005-06-01 14:29 |
女拔都有人考第尾架! 如果有些女孩未見特別出眾,靠人事、父母名氣入讀,亦不見得是好事。攪咁多野入去做「枯枝」,小朋友慘時大人辛苦啊! #「枯枝」= 樹大有枯枝 Quote: Msma 寫道: 感係真係好arm 窩,讀 cckg 無入dgjs個個係一定唔會係名人,富人,高官d女,通常因係係普通家庭,就算讀cckg,就算有幾叻,幾好,佢都會放棄架啦 ,點都唔會收晒架嗎 ! 睇你好個背境合唔合嘮! 係名人之後,喊住唔答都收左 啦 ! 佢有簡人自由,無計架! :mrgreen: |
Bluestar | 2005-06-01 14:34 |
Msma, "佢有簡人自由,無計架! " 你講dgs/dgjs咁耐,這句最o岩!! 我個仔的幼兒園同學女,今年有2個入到dgjs。(並非kln tong 名幼稚園。) 其中有1個是高官的女兒。 另1個,家長打工(但我唔知position),中產,全無人事或其他背景,照樣入到。 :lalala: |
iris3816 | 2005-06-01 14:34 |
interview 時,係唔係父母一定要同時出席? :-? |
Bluestar | 2005-06-01 14:38 |
flowerglassy 成145年咁耐歷史,舊生的女兒咁多,點會全部收得晒! 實情是,舊生的女兒如果和非舊生女兒were the same in all other respects,梗係收舊生的女兒先啦! :-D |
Msma | 2005-06-01 14:43 |
bluestar: 其實間間學校都有簡人自由架 ,套用係邊都係o岩! "家長打工(但我唔知position),中產,全無人事或其他背景,照樣入到" 都唔奇窩 ! 其實就算識人,有計,有背境都會話無啦 ! 同人講有方法入去讀 ?個個真係有問題! 咁耐唔耐有個中六合彩都好正常嗟 ! :lalala: :lalala: |
Mrssslui | 2005-06-01 15:04 |
The best 既唔一定係學生,你講得好啱,但一定係校長認為既父母,佢當然認為係佢心目the best 先收啦!! 請問,誰能保証舊生、名人子女、名人推薦的一定是the best?而這些人的女兒可以說是差不多必收的。 |