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Sammymother | 2005-09-23 10:50
Hi Voasia,

I really appreciate your help to share the useful sites in this forum. By the way, my little girl will start her ECA tomorrow. She will go to Taekwondo and paper clay. How about your boy?

kschan | 2005-09-23 11:09
May I have the PTH version of the book too ?
Thanks a lot.

cky parent
voasia | 2005-09-23 12:39
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ireneirene | 2005-09-23 12:48
voasia please check pm

ivac | 2005-09-23 14:01
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voasia | 2005-09-23 14:26
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0606 | 2005-09-25 18:49
我於24日有參加這校的簡介會, 我發覺間學校非常殘舊, 不知點解會收咁貴學費! 我問過D教師, 佢地話這校舍會重建, 即是話我們2006-2007讀小一的小朋友要在其他暫借的校舍上課, 但暫時仲未知邊間學校會暫借, 我想可能是D 被教統局殺校的小學! 而明年入讀此校的小一學生, 相信要小四才可入讀新校舍

我想問此校究竟有什麼value, 是值得家長每年給四萬幾元學費呢?
father_ho | 2005-09-25 19:13
Dear 0606,

It is very easy to answer your question if you take a look at MingPo's Pri. selection guide since they already employed 19 NET for the kids. Sorry that I can't find another school invest such resource to kids except for those international sch. I just come back from Pui Kui briefying session that these two schools are of same kind but they did emphasis on different language from p1. That's my view.

voasia | 2005-09-25 21:29
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voasia | 2005-09-25 22:33
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