Xanthe | 2006-03-17 08:51 |
AndyRain, My daughter will has the computer exam on next Monday. |
AndyRain | 2006-03-17 10:42 |
xanthe 死啦, 星期一就考啦, 咁即係得今個weekend可以溫. 今個星期教唱錢, 你個女ok嗎? 我個仔上次個題$1200唱做幾多張50元及20元那一題就俾佢玩死了. |
Xanthe | 2006-03-17 11:50 |
AndyRain, as my daughter has the computer lesson on next Monday wor! 今個星期教唱錢, 你個女ok嗎? no la, she also weak in this topic... :hammer: :hammer: need to practice with her. |
AndyRain | 2006-03-17 12:03 |
xanthe 佢地教唔切書呀. 所以都教得幾趕, 無mug時間俾佢地清化及practise. 唯有靠自己啦. |
Xanthe | 2006-03-17 14:38 |
agreed. Quote: AndyRain 寫道: xanthe 佢地教唔切書呀. 所以都教得幾趕, 無mug時間俾佢地清化及practise. 唯有靠自己啦. |
AndyRain | 2006-03-27 17:30 |
Hi, Xanthe 今次死梗啦, 我近排忙到抽跟, 無時間同亞仔溫書, 唯有靠佢自己啦!! 所以預左佢今次考試會下插, 公司實在太多野做. |
Xanthe | 2006-03-28 17:00 |
Andyrain, Don't worry la. If your son's test results are not too bad then he can handle it. I suggest you to take some time for the Maths (as it counts for double). Don't give up! |
AndyRain | 2006-03-28 22:42 |
xanthe mug maths 會計雙倍分咩??? 我一路都唔知呀. 我明晚都要番學, 所以都幫唔到佢溫呀. 我唔worry啦, 我而家就係學緊放手啦, 因為我一個人實在無法兼顧到咁多野. 公司又要迫我讀書, 除非轉工, 否則都要應酬佢. 我4月尾一個禮拜要番3晚tim呀. 我自己又要做功課, 又要考試, 公司又有個大job, 俾多七對手我都做唔切. 反正平時都係我做衰人, 成日俾我老公話我要求高架啦, 所以今次我專登唔理, 等佢知道無左我插手, 同埋俾個仔試下無我"迫"佢, 個感覺會係點, 個結果會係點. 我想佢地係需要一些經歷. |
Xanthe | 2006-03-29 06:53 |
Andyrain, 咁都係!早d放手有著數,我上次同今次都冇咁理佢啦,淨係叫佢平日溫,尋日下午仲去公園玩左一陣! :-D |
AndyRain | 2006-03-29 14:32 |
xanthe 若佢搞掂晒, 去下公園玩下其實對佢都有幫助架, 可以relax下嘛. 我星期一晚都叫個仔彈琴, 唔係練琴呀, 係只彈佢自己鐘意及想彈的歌仔. |