Re: 面試表現更重要 拔萃女小學戴何天美校長

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judy | 2006-03-24 16:21
Quote:I have no intention to give any statistical analysis at the beginnning to prove any of my views and opinions as I don't have any actual data of DGS's results.

利害,冇any actual data of DGS's results. 只係凭there are some other BK parents also said that they have come across many just "average" DGS graduates. 就可以得到there is such a great variation in the overall achievement of the students when they graduate from DGS,你都算IBM啦,太國際級了,不讀國際學校實在太浪費了。

既然你己承認道聽途說,我也無興趣追問所謂great variation in the overall achievement of the students,不如講吓的elite international schools 點 different法, 到底邊間係elite international schools呢?又achieve 到有幾 “ high” 同 "even" academic performance for all their students呢?

warrrren | 2006-03-24 16:39
What are we discussing here? The very first post recited what Principal Ho told Ming Pao Daily. She said:

1. Parents are not required to submit a substantial portfolio;
2. If parents want to submit one, by all means do it. But make sure it does not exceed 5 pages;
3. It is the interview that counts. The 5 pages of materials do not really matter.

Is there anything wrong with what she said?

A number of parents have been trying to show that the parents' background is the ONLY thing that the school cares about, and that interviews carry no weight. PROVE IT. So what if one who does not have any background gets rejected? Does it prove anything? From time to time there are instances of girls from not so well off families who get accepted. Are these girls not living examples against what some parents have been saying?

Don't get me wrong. I, like Leehoma001, do not really like DGS and DGJS. And I do not share any common interest in their teaching philosophy. Yet, I will not dispute that DGS and DSJS are very good schools, and it would be arrogant and ignorant of me to deny what the schools and Principal Ho have achieved.

If you happen to like DGS and your girl is fortunate enough to get a place in it, congratulations; If your gir is not so fortunate, so be it. Get a life and move on. There are N+1 reasons for your girl not getting an offer. Stoning the school you was once fond of is one of the least gentleman-like or lady-like things to do.

Have a nice weekend everybody,

TWMa | 2006-03-24 17:10
他講過啦, 但又是 personal views and opinions 囉
其實我原本都想問 DGS 怎麼 "great variation in the overall achievement of the students?" 和那些 "elite international schools" 是如何比較的?
DGS 一樣依學生能力分班學習, 一樣鼓勵學生多元發展, 為何 elite international schools 這麼做就叫好方法, DGS 呢就叫只照顧 TOP 學生, 又是道聽途說?

不理 DGJS 收生是否看背景, St. Paul Co-ed 明言 30% 的學額留給沒有關係的人士, 家長們是否因此就會放棄小朋友做天人的機會呢?!
選校, 無非想小朋友有個好的環境學習, 好的環境卻不是只有一處, 盡了力便是.
judy | 2006-03-24 17:40
BookloverJ 寫道:
好,你話不要勞氣, 又不勞氣同你講.

你話 ”至於對DGS、戴校長與及其他BK 家長作出攻擊實在不需要吧。”

我地係BK-FORUM 這開放平台若果係 “是其是 , 非其非”, 有何不可.
去年帶小女報考多間直資同私小, 或有written test, 或有interview(認真的), 都令人信服,唯獨DGJS的”三分鐘” interview 令人髮指(disgusting). 正如我之前寫:

“Background早已判定了生死 , 見見你只是免招人物議.除非小朋友三分鐘表現驚為天人” 呢個係我個人判斷,如有人唔認同, 可以提出合理論據反駁.

若只係為左撈十個八個”天人”, 要大部份根本冇機會的家長同小朋友(幾千人)同你一齊顛, 佢地當然有自由咁做, 願者上釣嗎, 但我覺得佢地咁做法好偽善同缺德.


私校之生存,靠的是學生之成就和名聲,說DGJS收生看”背景”,係非常無常識的,這麽多年來,DGS之成就,不是說明他們收生和教育非常成功嗎?DGJS招生,雖只收100名,但做為校長,那個不想盡收天下兵器,那個不想有幾千人”一齊顛”。在没有真凭實据之前,指責DGJS的interview 令人髮指,其行為才是令人髮指。


leehoma001 | 2006-03-24 17:49
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BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 17:54
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warrrren | 2006-03-24 18:03

I cannot question your personal opinion, which is, after all, personal to you.

Check out who Nicolaus Copernicus is before you start to talk about Galileo Galilei.

judy | 2006-03-24 18:08
Quote:I cannot find any hidden agenda of Mrs. Tai and show it out. I made the above statement just from my deduction after getting through the admission procedures of DGS, and I have made it clear it is my own opinion and personal feeling. If someone, during a discussion, said “PROVE IT with concrete evidence”, I will reply in Chinese “同你講都蹝氣”



leehoma001 | 2006-03-24 18:09
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BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 18:28
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