himbb | 2006-09-15 17:12 |
請問各家長, 如果由MTR坐taxi去學校, 係邊個站會近d? :-? Thanks!! :adore: |
Chocoball | 2006-09-15 17:50 |
Dear himbb I've asked the school about that. They told me it's Shum Shui Po station. |
sirlo | 2006-09-15 19:12 |
or Mei Fu MTR station. I took the taxi near West rail station to CKY several times. Taxi fee is around HK35 something. Hope its help |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-16 08:29 |
Quote: Clementmammy 寫道: Dear CKY parent, I have a difficulty again. The class teacher wrote in the hand book, said that my boy don't willing to speak ENGLISH so far. May I know what can I do to improve this? Did any parent have face the same problem before and can share the experience? I hired a Phillipiner when my kid just born, so my son able to speak English till his 5 years old. The Phillipiner got back to get marry after. And I have hired an Indonisian now for 6 months. After that, my son don't willing to speak anymore in English. :-( ___________ Dear Clementmammy, My son also encountered the same problem, when the Philippino maid left early this year, his grand father took care of him over a month. Since then, he won't speak English any more. During that period, we're pretty disappointed and frustrated. I think the main reason was he'd lost confidence. When the new Philippino arrived, he started to pick up English again. I think it's quite awkward to speak in English if everyone at home speaks Cantonese. But you could try to play some games with him, e.g. if all family members speak in English in a hour, then the whole family could have some rewards (buffet, Disneyland??). Or, when reading English book, people should speak in English etc. My suggestion: 'Learn from game'. Hope it help. Don't be so upset, he could overcome soon! :cheeze: :cheeze: |
doristsang | 2006-09-16 23:55 |
今日去聽左家長會, 他們的理念很不錯, 但是否做到呢? 好想知道cky能否與本地一般中學涵接, 即如果讀毛完佢個五年小學, 能否參加中學派位呢? 今日overrun能好勁, 未有 Q&A就要走了。 |
塞曼莎 | 2006-09-17 10:37 |
doristsang, 試問你幾條問題,可能助你了解/回答自己以上問題, 1) 覺得cky理念有咩不錯?試看他們的學生就知做到與否. 2) 這是一個Through-Train十二年課程,為什麼要想傳統中小學制度,中途落車?新制度又怎跟傳統比較.並不是Apple to Apple.但最终就是大學.再者IB是大勢所吹,好多地方採用,應可. |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-18 10:15 |
Dear Doristsang, 雖然我兒剛入讀CKY才半個月,未能完全體會到成效,但亦可分享現時感受。初步感覺,學生喜歡上學,因學校不需經常默書、測驗,故讀書壓力不大。其實默書也有,祇不過全在不知情的情況下發生-突發默書,以考考孩子實力。 小一上課多以遊戲教學,如中文堂,會搜集其他同學簽名以認識中文字;科學堂做完實驗後,孩子會以變魔術來形容實驗情況,最重要他亦可道出箇中原因;上星期英文功課是回家將課本閱讀給家人聽,以索取五個簽名及評語為目標。暫時來說,在CKY的最大得益是令家庭氣氛和睦,不需為學業成績與小孩爭執,但並不代表家長可以很悠閒,因為每天都要與孩子閱讀課外書。兒子回家告訴我,在校巴上,看到高年級學生在行車時閱讀課外書。看來,CKY都能培養到閱讀氣氛。 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: |
Clementmammy | 2006-09-18 11:12 |
Dear All, Thank you for your advice. After talked with my son last week. I think he did improved (That's what he told me after school) :-) . I also bring him back the toy and let him join the show and tell. So that he might have chance to speak more english in class. When the time I spoke English with him at home, he only said yes or no. Beside that, he won't speak anymore. Not even tell me what is heappening in school, if I need him to speak out in English. :-( I will see and hope he can improve soon. |
kyliema2006 | 2006-09-18 12:16 |
Dear Clementmammy, 其實,妳可以嘗試直接與Mrs Wright探討孩子上課情況。上星期,我試過在手冊上留言希望陳老師回電,亦曾希望Mrs Wright留言表達孩子上課情況。她們的反應都很訊速,亦樂於反饋意見,希望可以有所幫助。 :-D :-D |
heiditcp | 2006-09-18 12:56 |
Hi Curry, Our kids are in the same class. Let's share some more. Heidi :-D :-D |