Summer | 2007-01-25 14:08 |
ivyko, Try to give a call to his teacher and check it out first. May be there's just some kind of misunderstanding. ;-) Quote: ivyko 寫道: 我仔仔好唔開心,因佢星期一放學後話俾我知,星期二老師會送件玩具擦膠給他, 因佢記得帶五枝刨尖了的鉛筆番學,所以有獎品,但咁日放學後佢同我講唔知點解老師無俾佢,但其他有帶五枝刨尖了的鉛筆番學的小朋友有,佢好失望. 都唔知老師唔記得 or 有什麼原因,咁樣做會令小朋友好唔開心. |
GloriaBB | 2007-01-25 22:19 |
終於掉咗位啦。 Summer, 今次Gloria坐响你仔仔隔離,希望大家可以做好朋友啦。 |
lemon | 2007-01-27 00:13 |
Do students have the specific guideline of bring 5 sharpened pencils? I only know they need to bring red ball pen and some pencils. |
lemon | 2007-01-27 00:16 |
唔知幾時會派成績表同見家長呢...? |
mcheung | 2007-01-27 09:49 |
In the past year, the school should be arranged before CNY............ ;-) Quote: lemon 寫道: 唔知幾時會派成績表同見家長呢...? |
cslam | 2007-01-31 13:10 |
我問亞仔佢有無寫,佢話寫左「大吉大利」,不過好肉酸。:-) Quote: aumom 寫道: 我記得上年K2時, 見過走廊個壁報板貼左的類似書法比賽既紙出黎, 張紙仲有小朋友張相同班別, 真係寫得好鬼靚架! |
GloriaBB | 2007-01-31 19:27 |
唔肉酸架,個揮春有字响上面嘅,佢哋跟印寫之嘛。 Karinachu 真係有書法比賽,贏咗好似有獎狀架,仲會貼出嚟。 |
Karinachu | 2007-02-01 10:18 |
昨晚陪囡囡睡覺時她問我幼稚園畢業時有無哭, 我跟她講不用哭, 如果可以的話, 可以問小朋友電話, 有時間可以打電話傾吓. 現在的小朋友真成熟. :-P |
Summer | 2007-02-01 14:05 |
GloraBB, I asked my son this morning, he said Gloria sits right behind him. :-? But they are in the same group. He said Gloria is just like a monitor, always telling teacher if someone is talking. ;-) Quote: GloriaBB 寫道: 終於掉咗位啦。 Summer, 今次Gloria坐响你仔仔隔離,希望大家可以做好朋友啦。 |
GloriaBB | 2007-02-01 21:02 |
Dear Summer, 你囝囝嘅意思係Gloria坐响佢隔離,因為佢哋係計面向老師時,所以Gloria就係坐响佢後面,無錯they are in the same group。 講開佢呢排真係多口咗,每次返嚟講邊個小朋友曳,跟住佢之後果句會話"我已經講咗俾Miss Lai 知",俾佢激死。老師都叫佢唔好成日告狀,俾機會小朋友改過;我同老公都一而再;再而三同佢解釋,成日提住佢,終於無再做monitor啦,好彩佢都好合作。 另外老師話K.3R的小朋友們太friend啦,掉位好頭痛,:-o 就算點掉都會成日唔停口。我好開心佢哋感情咁好,但亦感受到老師所講,佢哋真係好嘈。 Quote: Summer 寫道: GloraBB, I asked my son this morning, he said Gloria sits right behind him. :-? But they are in the same group. He said Gloria is just like a monitor, always telling teacher if someone is talking. ;-) :evil: :evil: |