HORSEHEADS | 2007-02-02 14:20 |
Does any parent know any KV girl got DGJS acceptance? Do you have her name? |
mamami | 2007-02-06 11:10 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
mcheung | 2007-02-06 11:16 |
Someone told that the parents day will be held on mid of Mar. Quote: mamami 寫道: anyone knows when is the parents day? thanks. |
lemon | 2007-02-06 16:13 |
Does anyone have idea for the questions of weekly math quiz? My daugther's math performance has been dropped quite a lot, but she is OK with her daily homework. I would like to know if there were some special questions recently? |
Karinachu | 2007-02-06 17:56 |
lemon, 最近mental時常做tens and one. :-P |
Karinachu | 2007-02-07 14:01 |
阿囡尋晚叫我幫佢溫直式借位減法. :-P |
NichoB | 2007-02-07 19:48 |
12-6 ( ask big brother no.12 to give 10 to younger brother no.6 ) My son teach me big brother, younger funny! |
NichoB | 2007-02-07 19:54 |
My son told me After / before , teachers ask every weeks. Revision biggest no. or smallest no.... and 10+3-2...etc... Odd no or Even no. Must be listen carefully.. |
kennischow | 2007-02-08 19:29 |
阿囡話最近老師都考緊佢哋以下的東西-- :going up - 老師寫出3個數字,再由細至大排出 :老師講一個數字,請小朋友寫出再在旁邊寫上E�O(即Odd no or Even no) :20以內的加減數 :10以內的補加補減數 :比較兩種物件的數量多少 :21至27的單數字等 佢仲話老師有時會考記憶--如雞20隻,牛35隻,豬15,問牛有多少隻等,要佢哋寫出. 大家加油!! :-D |
Summer | 2007-02-09 00:01 |
so funny wo! Quote: kennischow 寫道: 阿囡話最近老師都考緊佢哋以下的東西-- :going up - 老師寫出3個數字,再由細至大排出 :老師講一個數字,請小朋友寫出再在旁邊寫上E�O(即Odd no or Even no) :20以內的加減數 :10以內的補加補減數 :比較兩種物件的數量多少 :21至27的單數字等 佢仲話老師有時會考記憶--如雞20隻,牛35隻,豬15,問牛有多少隻等,要佢哋寫出. 大家加油!! :-D |