Kbaby | 2004-10-05 22:32 |
I don't know the details of interview. But my friend's daughter is studying DGJS. My friend is a professional engineer and his wife is a senior consultant in the government. Another storey : one of my relative studied DBS (secondary) before. But he can't catch up the "work load" and ultimately he was "advised" to leave the school. of course, at end of the day, he's gone. . :oops: |
YCPA | 2004-10-06 01:16 |
Laugh, 1. Are you a teacher or parent from DGJS? It seems that you know this school very well like an insider. If not, you are just like me, a hear-say person only, right? 2.Did I say this "每事交給學校便完成了自己的責任"? 3.I'm just saying what I learn so far from BK, i.e. not much positive thing about DGJS. You have some positive "personal" experience about this school? Come on. Don't be shy! :exclaim: :question: |
cher_mummy | 2004-10-06 09:43 |
咁宜家係個女in, 唔係個阿媽in; 當然, 衣著要合乎場合. 但我覺得并不需要穿得好pro. :-o :lalala: |
Msma | 2004-10-06 10:19 |
讀cckg 都唔一定收你架! 我個個都讀cckg,但老實cckg果度我又真係至草根,明架明架 :mrgreen: |
Sandrine | 2004-10-06 11:32 |
Wow your aunt's daughter must be very smart, doing Grade 5 piano at P.1. |
j-ma-ma | 2004-10-06 12:30 |
I know a girl whose mother is teaching piano, study in CCKG, pass G5 piano in K2, get a lot of piano competition awards but fail to get in DGJS. |
ThePooh | 2004-10-06 13:34 |
請問有冇人知DGJS會唔會唔收果D同時參加統一派位既學生呀?唔該。 |
Sandrine | 2004-10-06 14:00 |
j-ma-ma, You mean she already passed G5 when she's 4 years old? Is it possible? I thought it takes more or less a year to advance to the next grade. Of course there are exceptions, when the child is really talented. |
Sindy | 2004-10-06 14:08 |
最遲七歲讀小一,考果時都可以有六歲架啦 |
Kareese | 2004-10-06 14:12 |
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