Re: BB聽力測試

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reginang | 2005-05-08 00:19
Chr336 | 2005-05-08 17:15
Dear Daisy, loveyanpig, modoip, 稚言治語, Shiba-Inu and Nail,

Happy to find this forum, my child has almost the same case and I have questions to ask, hope that you can help me to carify.

Let me explained the case of my son first. He got tested in QE twice and both failed on left ear when he was born in March and QE refer my child to ENT to re-test.

On May 3, he got tested and the result is disappointed. The report stated that:
My child has failed automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) hearing screening at QE. The test result in ENT: Evoked Response Audiometry using click stimulus showed responses at 15dBnHL in the right ear and 85dBnHL in the left ear. The result were consistent with normal hearing in the right ear and severe grade deafness in the left ear, mainly at 2-4 kHz frequency region.

As stated by Shiba-Inu, the testing sequence should be OAE -> ABR -> VRA. But my child had different testing experience with AABR and ERA that make me confuse.

The audiologist stated that my child may need not to use 助聽器. And audiologist referred us to see doctor at ENT in June. I am very worried about this.

Please help.
st213 | 2005-05-08 17:42
Chr336 寫道:

The audiologist stated that my child may need not to use 助聽器. And audiologist referred us to see doctor at ENT in June. I am very worried about this.

Please help.

Yes this is true. If one ear is having normal hearing ability, he may not need to use hearing aid.
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-09 00:38
[size=small]A belated HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY from USA!

[size=small]Enjoy the day that you all deserve! :-D :-D :-D
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-09 00:47
Hi bb2005hk,

How are u and your family? Glad to know that the recent ABR test result is not too bad!

However, I do not quite understand why the doctor still stated that ABR "can test different frequencies" :-? --- "但仍有一些音收不到但可接受是正常的" --- This statement is confusing to me! :-?

Anyway, it's good that your son passes! Keep an eye on his speech and language development and see if that confusing statement "有一些音收不到" has an effect on him or not. Some kids do and some don't!
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-09 01:00
Hi Chr336,

Well, your case is both similar and different from the others, what your son has is called "monolateral hearing loss" (HL on one side) vs "(suspected) bilateral hearing loss" (on both sides)

"The audiologist stated that my child may need not to use 助聽器. "

--- Both st213 and your audiologist are correct. One normal hearing ear is good enough to due with most of the daily communication. However, with only one good ear, your son will have difficulties hearing in noise, hearing speech originates from the side of the bad ear, and with telling direction from which the sound comes from. In general, if you keep an eye on these situations, he can develop normal speech and language in the same pace as other kids.

For the test sequence, "OAE -> ABR -> VRA" is just the general scenario. Diff hospitals/ clinics may modify it to suit their needs. So that's why your son underwent AABR (a simplified version of ABR) and then ERA (another name for ABR) to confirm.

So don't worry, there's nothing to worry about for the time being! ;-)
Chr336 | 2005-05-09 01:29
First of all, thanks to st213 and Shiba-Inu.


Evoked Response Audiometry using click stimulus showed responses 85dBnHL in the left ear. The result were consistent severe grade deafness in the left ear, mainly at 2-4 kHz frequency region.

I want to know for normal hearing, does it fall in 2-4 kHz and what means by 85dBnHL?

稚言治語 | 2005-05-09 01:31

Chr336 has written in the other topic that her child is found to have autistic features. I don't know if she means two different children or the same one. If it happens to be the same child, how likely do you think the hearing problem leads to the autistic features? (Or, we can wait till she replies.)

By the way, provided that the child is going to have problem is discriminating speech sound in noise as well as sound localization, is the HKSAR government gonna to issue him a hearing aid?


click here
Chr336 | 2005-05-09 02:08
稚言治語 & Shiba-Inu,


我都想要教家長如何訓練小朋友語言的資料, 我pm email address 比你.

社工現在幫我排緊早期訓練中心及兼收位幼兒園,但話要等一年. 佢叫我9月照返普通幼稚園(因已有學校收咗).

稚言治語 寫道:

Chr336 has written in the other topic that her child is found to have autistic features. I don't know if she means two different children or the same one. If it happens to be the same child, how likely do you think the hearing problem leads to the autistic features? (Or, we can wait till she replies.)

By the way, provided that the child is going to have problem is discriminating speech sound in noise as well as sound localization, is the HKSAR government gonna to issue his a hearing aid?


click here

katmami | 2005-05-09 16:29
Dear Shiba-Inu 及各位,

(Shiba-Inu, 記唔記得我? 我BB女又係有聽力問題, 並已開咗一個新forum的, 但看過你forward比我有關BB聽力測試尼個topic後, 我想都係響尼度一齊傾集中D)....看過咁多位的故事後, 感覺實在有點激動:--
-原來有咁多有關cases正在發生; 路, 的確不只我一家人走的, 但不是說一千個BB才有幾個有問題嗎?點解會好似咁common咁發生在BK mami身上....要知道自己懷胎十月的骨肉不知何解的不能正常發展, 是很令人痛的....
-Thanks God, 好彩識上BK先可以接觸到咁多樂於助人的熱心朋支, 如果唔係一定會好無助,好徬惶...千謝萬謝....

其實自從我B女在母嬰院failed兩次OAE後, 上星期在Queen Mary耳鼻喉專科見醫生前再做多一次OAE, 但醫生(應不是audiologist吧)說"好似好D", 但把響鈴放佢左
右兩耳時, 佢好似冇乜反應, 所以便安排ABR....但係要到七月才可做, 我好擔心, 所以如我自己先找private做, 想請教:
-有需要及有好處嗎?譬如說, 我可要求private做ASSR rather than ABR, 那便可更早知道, 及比在public做得更整體的測試結果了, 是嗎?早一兩個月得知結果, 是否
會比因public hospital排期問題而遲做較有利?(因我又怕follow-up在public應較好...)如我有此需要, 可否請你share一些private的資料比我?萬分感激...
-如成因是sensory/neural問題, 是否通常兩耳都有問題的呢?

loveyanpig, 我好明白你的心情, 我自從知道自己囡囡懷疑有咁問題後, 真係好擔心, 仲喊咗好多次, 尤其係望住佢咁天真可愛的笑面時, 好自責係咪自己的錯.....希望你BB最後都冇事啦! 記住通知我呀!


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