j-ma-ma | 2005-06-01 16:18 |
I know a girl in DGJS whose father open a small shop and mother is a housewife. The girl is not that smart and failed in most subjects including art. The girl is getting very very unhappy. After P6, she cannot go back to DGS. In Form 1, she becomes very happy and get very good result. Her mother wants her to get back to DGS. She does get admitted but the girl resist because of the bad experience. |
P6parent | 2005-06-01 16:24 |
I always believe that DGS will consider parents ' background and network significantly when interviewing the girls. If parents are professional, e.g. doctors and etc, the easier for entering DGS. :giveup: :giveup: :-? |
Mrssslui | 2005-06-01 16:34 |
Good family background cld push & remedy their girls both in acedamic & extra-circuu act. Although the girl is not too smart, the prof parents cld invest much much money in finding teachers to them the kids. Quote: j-ma-ma 寫道: I know a girl in DGJS whose father open a small shop and mother is a housewife. The girl is not that smart and failed in most subjects including art. The girl is getting very very unhappy. After P6, she cannot go back to DGS. In Form 1, she becomes very happy and get very good result. Her mother wants her to get back to DGS. She does get admitted but the girl resist because of the bad experience. |
flowerglassy | 2005-06-01 17:20 |
每年有幾多舊生的女兒被收?沒統計,但好像少有失拖。別忘記還有教會的額,所以,沒甚麼先決條件而又被校長垂青也不是容易啦。我姐姐當年是派入去女拔的,她是以全香港小學第一名入架。好多年前啦。佢講校監搵佢幫個女補英文。哈哈...校監個女當然係直入架啦。 |
Mrssslui | 2005-06-02 09:47 |
咁你姐姐有女嗎? 佢個女又有冇機會直入呢?? Quote: flowerglassy 寫道: 每年有幾多舊生的女兒被收?沒統計,但好像少有失拖。別忘記還有教會的額,所以,沒甚麼先決條件而又被校長垂青也不是容易啦。我姐姐當年是派入去女拔的,她是以全香港小學第一名入架。好多年前啦。佢講校監搵佢幫個女補英文。哈哈...校監個女當然係直入架啦。 |
critor | 2005-06-02 10:34 |
記憶所及香港小學從來沒有排名試,就算升中試年代也沒有把個別學生排名。 ?-( ?-( ?-( Quote: 我姐姐當年是派入去女拔的,她是以全香港小學第一名入架。 |
BillyM | 2005-06-02 10:46 |
Quote: flowerglassy 寫道: 請恕我無知,當我經過了女小拔的面試經驗,我知道所謂choose the best只是個神話。請問,誰能保証舊生、名人子女、名人推薦的一定是the best?而這些人的女兒可以說是差不多必收的。或者大家聽到這個學校名字,就必然認為他們代表the best,連校長也如神仙能看穿別人的智能吧。還有,有人認為女拔中學會差過小學因為有人派入去。哈哈,這人對女拔收生究竟了解過嗎?女拔從派位收回來的,都是每間學校最top個d,真正好成績是女拔,不是女小拔啊。請不要再神話化選生啦。我只相信,校長的個人感覺、幼稚園、推薦、舊生等才是入這所小學的重點。唔好為此去催谷自已的女兒。如果無背景,香港還有很多好學校,或者去考基督堂囉,機會幾好架。 :lol: 去看看DGS的學生,你會發覺最TOP的兩班大大部份是DGJS上去的。她們英文分開6小班教,最TOP的兩班也必定是DGJS舊生的天下。派位入去的平均來說只可佔據中下游位置。 不是把她神話化,但她們最TOP的那班學生的水準真的是精英大師超晒班,無得拗的。現在她們是直資,連派位都不參加,可以挑選真正最佳的學生,可見DGS只會繼續上,"The only way is up." |
iris3816 | 2005-06-02 13:25 |
:oops: |
kissie | 2005-06-03 00:12 |
It's arguable whether it's a good way to label 'top & bottom classes'. If your girl is smart enough to be in one of these 2 classes, then of course it's happy. Parents are proud of them too. But if your girl is being labelled in 'bottom classes', then it may cause your girl to be pressurised and not happy. I met a lot of distinguished DGS girls who have high standard of english and excellent academic result, and they all are very confident in themselves and considered to be the very best quality, but on the other hand, i also met a no. of DGS girls who are average, not distinguished students, and just like other non distinguished students in other schools. When i was young, I always think that all DGS girls must be very smart, because friends i knew from DGS are very very smart, until later i found out that they (3 of them) were winners of the 'best all-rounder prize' of their year. (ie No.1). No wonder they were smart! Until I went to secondary schools and met a number of DGS girls through interschool activities that i realised they were just as normal as other prestigious schools students, both with smarter and not so smart students, with perfect english and so-so english. what i want to say is that not every girl who study in DGS must become a student with top english and As student. It's just that DGS can provide a better educated environment to act as first step towards attaining higher standard. Parents still have to nurture their kids throughout. Even if your kid cannot enter DGJS/DGS doesn't mean that your kid is not smart, I know girls who got admitted to DGJS & DGS via interview but chose to study in other school!(and they were only considered as being "slightly above average" result in their own school!!) |
BillyM | 2005-06-03 00:37 |
Quote: kissie 寫道: It's arguable whether it's a good way to label 'top & bottom classes'. If your girl is smart enough to be in one of these 2 classes, then of course it's happy. Parents are proud of them too. But if your girl is being labelled in 'bottom classes', then it may cause your girl to be pressurised and not happy. I met a lot of distinguished DGS girls who have high standard of english and excellent academic result, and they all are very confident in themselves and considered to be the very best quality, but on the other hand, i also met a no. of DGS girls who are average, not distinguished students, and just like other non distinguished students in other schools. When i was young, I always think that all DGS girls must be very smart, because friends i knew from DGS are very very smart, until later i found out that they (3 of them) were winners of the 'best all-rounder prize' of their year. (ie No.1). No wonder they were smart! Until I went to secondary schools and met a number of DGS girls through interschool activities that i realised they were just as normal as other prestigious schools students, both with smarter and not so smart students, with perfect english and so-so english. what i want to say is that not every girl who study in DGS must become a student with top english and As student. It's just that DGS can provide a better educated environment to act as first step towards attaining higher standard. Parents still have to nurture their kids throughout. Even if your kid cannot enter DGJS/DGS doesn't mean that your kid is not smart, I know girls who got admitted to DGJS & DGS via interview but chose to study in other school!(and they were only considered as being "slightly above average" result in their own school!!) I agree with you that DGS has the best and the brightest but also average students. This is a forum concerning primary schools. One of the users pointed out that DGS is the top school but DGJS is not. I used the fact that the top students in DGS are in fact from DGJS to prove how good DGJS is. Even though DGS can get the top students from other schools through the lottery, DGJS alumni are still better than them. I also agree that the success of DGJS or DGS owes a lot to the parents. If you're going to work 16 hours a day and let your kid spend most of her time with the Filipino maid and the tutor, your girl will have a hard time catching up in school. |