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HuiTung | 2005-09-26 09:21
Hi voasia,

I'm not a CKY parent because my child is just a K1 student. Same as you, I like the school's 教育方式和理念. I always keep an eye on your and other parents' views of this school. Please keep on sharing with us!

I heard that the school's financial status is not very good, not even to support a better school library system, is it true? Has it been improved yet? About the school campus, I have the same expectation, too. It was claimed to be the largest primary school in HK, what is your view?

The book you mentioned ("Guess how much I love you") is a lovely book. ;-)
HuiTung | 2005-09-26 09:26

Both CKY & Yew Chung borrow the building (it used to be 柏立基) as temporary campus. Yew Chung charges much much more than CKY.
mama724 | 2005-09-26 12:29

i would like to ask if your child study at CKY until finish the secondary school F. 6 or F. 7. Will you plan to study on broad. i'm afraid their stardard is okay for the formal university level at HK?
voasia | 2005-09-26 14:00
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voasia | 2005-09-26 14:07
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MrsCLee | 2005-09-26 14:07
請問可唔可以 pm 個 login name 及 password 俾我呀 :adore:
HuiTung | 2005-09-26 14:29
Thank you so much, voasia! To have high quality parents (like you) is also a sign for a high quality school. :mrgreen:
judy | 2005-09-26 15:03
Quote:我於24日有參加這校的簡介會, 我發覺間學校非常殘舊, 不知點解會收咁貴學費! 我問過D教師, 佢地話這校舍會重建, 即是話我們2006-2007讀小一的小朋友要在其他暫借的校舍上課, 但暫時仲未知邊間學校會暫借, 我想可能是D 被教統局殺校的小學! 而明年入讀此校的小一學生, 相信要小四才可入讀新校舍



JanWong | 2005-09-26 15:20
I went to the briefing session on 24/9. Even the school is not well renovated, I really like their concept, only have concern about their new location next year. I think at least they should let us know which district the school is going to move? Voasia, do you have any idea where will it located? Anyway, I'll send in application for my boy.

voasia | 2005-09-26 18:24
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