judy | 2006-03-24 18:29 |
Quote:Please note that this thread is just let BK parents express their views regarding the primary 1 in-take process of DGJS. There is no intention to compare the academic performance of various schools. 咁,下面呢段又點解釋,成年人,你怎能根据你之道聽途說,凭空設想,而去証明一係DGS無料到,一係戴何天美校長無料到,或两者都係呢。 Quote:Maybe 戴何天美校長 has to admit that DGS doesn't have an effective and good education system to help educating all the students to a similar high standard or 戴何天美校長 has to admit that she herself is not capable of selecting most of the top students during the interview although she gets a large pool of applicants for her selection. Which senario is more close to reality or both ? |
judy | 2006-03-24 18:33 |
三分鐘係你講嘅!15分鐘係我講嘅! 就係咁多! "Eton"成績全英最好咩? |
BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 18:40 |
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BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 18:45 |
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BookloverJ | 2006-03-24 18:48 |
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-24 18:49 |
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-24 18:53 |
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TWMa | 2006-03-24 21:31 |
Quote: Unlike those elite local schools which will only put focus on those cream students resulting in great variations in the development between the top and the bottom students. 呢句先係你講既. 你唔使 repeat again and again 啦, 我亦冇興趣同你糾纏 Help me?! 我諗點都輪唔到你掛 |
critor | 2006-03-24 21:37 |
Let me point out some facts about Mrs. Dai: The students selected by Mrs. Dai have not yet reached F.5. DGS' public exam results have nothing to do with her. Before Mrs. Dai took up the office as DGJS' headmistress, the P1 admission interview was conducted in English. That means unless the child was absolutely conversant in spoken English, there was no way she could get a seat in the School however smart she might be. Adopting a bi-lingual and non-discriminatory policy, Mrs. Dai opened up a new era by conducting the interview in Cantonese. As a result, many girls are admitted to the School even though they are weak in English. At the same time, Mrs. Dai has put herself under fire. Many parents accuse her of pulling down DGJS' English standard. Has Mrs. Dai made the School more accessible to all? I would leave it to you to decide. |
FatWater | 2006-03-24 21:56 |
Agree. No one forces you to apply in the first place. You should know at the very begining that the rule of game is Mrs Tai will determine whether she will select your daughter absolutely in her own way. If you still join the game, wouldn't it be unfair to Mrs Tai that you say she is 'unfair' when you loose? Quote: Bluestar 寫道: 唉! 如果家長覺得間學校咁差,校長咁差,為乜重要替自己個小朋友報名 ? 鍾意送羊入虎口? 索性唔報,米間學校點好點衰,都唔關自己事,唔使為左間毫不相干的學校勞氣囉!! :giveup: :-) |