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spoonlam | 2007-03-28 14:16
Hi all,
Is YC really that bad in terms of education level and management? Is it the same for Pre nursary and kindergarten? Reason I"m asking is my son will be going to YC for N1 in this coming sept. Should I considier other kindergartens?
Many thx.
KaKaYa | 2007-03-28 14:34
我感覺到你不是YC STAFF,所以和你一致說法,THX!尢其荷X出版資料的,直情流稿...希望大家小心選取

Tasha 寫道:
我是YC家長,不是YC staff.我只是把我所聽所聞所遇,加上自己的感受說出來.


幸好我不是YC staff,不然知得更多,恐怕爆血管!
YC-MOM | 2007-03-28 19:26
Tasha 寫道:
最近獲知新校舍原來包括社區學院 (Community College)

其實好多家長都問過 community college 的事,學校亦都向家長交代過 ( 係新中學校舍動工前的家長會交代過 ),話計劃早已在中學新校舍動工前擱置 ( 我唔記得有冇講原因 ),現有校址一直都話只係中學部用。

這是他們與政府的共識,當時的說法,的確係話唔會再搞 community college。
話開辦 community college 的 poster 早已拿走,
我信佢地短期內唔會再諗,或者,應該未來三五年都唔會搞喇,如果真係有 plan,應該早向外宣傳。
YC-MOM | 2007-03-28 19:32
咪咪媽 寫道:

不正確,她是 "曾在老人中心教中文"。

YC-MOM | 2007-03-28 19:48
KaKaYa 寫道:
這裹很多有些YC常有YC STAFF經常代我們家長講說話的,其實大家都知道誰心中有數 :-)
有時間講多些! :-D

其實,網上的 message,邊個講的是真話,邊個講的是假話,真係好難知,甚至有 d 人講大半真話,再加鹽加醋加 D 假話也有。

你話有人係 YC STAFF,咁你覺得有邊個職位的人咁得閒,上黎幫 YC 講好話?

又或者可以咁講啦,如果你真係 YC 家長,你應該認識好多 YC 的捧場客。當然好多家長都好不滿,但事實係,的確亦有好多真係覺得學校好好,好滿意的家長。
咁佢地班 YC 擁護者,上黎 POST MESSAGE 都有可能喎。
點解下下話一定係學校 STAFF 呢?

掉轉頭,我都覺得你好得閒囉,口口聲聲話轉了校,都上黎唱。這些粗重功夫,都係留番比我地 D 真家長啦。

PS。我係真 YC 家長,唔信,可以睇我 D 舊 POST。
唔同你一齊鬧,就話人地係學校 STAFF。

咁你唔係家長 ( 你話已轉校,即係唔係家長啦 ) ,就鬧得?

YC-MOM | 2007-03-28 22:10
Tasha 寫道:
為何不趁机會把中小學融合一齊, 令小學部的學生得益,反而要勉
YC-MOM | 2007-03-28 22:53
foolish.mom 寫道:
YC invests a lot on equipment. They have enough powerful PCs for students to complete their assignments on computers at school. Many local school parents complain doing projects for their kids. But my son can already search much information from internet at school, or even finish the whole project. Last year, they start to purchase a lot of "smartboard" (computer-linked whiteboards) in classrooms which cost much.


我地 d 學費貴 local school 幾多呀?

m.(x3) | 2007-04-03 04:00
Hi all, I am new to this web site, and I have two kids in Yew Chung - Y6 & Y3. They have been in Yew Chung since 2-year old and 3-year old respectively.

We are generally very happy with the Kindergarten and Primary school. Higherly recommended.

However I am not sending my kids to YC Secondary School. If there are interest, perhaps I can spend some time to write more about my experience.

gst725 | 2007-04-03 06:36
Hi m.(x3),

Are your kids speaking good English as natives. I rang the YC Primary Admissions Office last week. A lady told me that 95% there are local students in the Primary section and most of the students speak English only when talking to their English teachers. Is it true? Are your kids having academical pressure so as the traditional schools or you think they are learning happily? How are their academic achievement in YC compare to Band 1 local schools? We are now applying P1 for our daughter to start in this September. Still picking a school that can constitute her self confidence as well to provide a happy learning atmosphere with good academic achievement. Thanks very much for your further comments.

m.(x3) 寫道:
Hi all, I am new to this web site, and I have two kids in Yew Chung - Y6 & Y3. They have been in Yew Chung since 2-year old and 3-year old respectively.

We are generally very happy with the Kindergarten and Primary school. Higherly recommended.

However I am not sending my kids to YC Secondary School. If there are interest, perhaps I can spend some time to write more about my experience.

m.(x3) | 2007-04-03 15:58
Lots of questions here... :-)

1. My kids speak English as their first language. So they were able to interact with the teachers really well. They definitely have fun there, and love to go to school.

2. It's very hard to simply say the general English standard is good or bad. In my opinion, you can measure the students' use of English as a learning tool (able to read, wirte, talk, and understand the subject of interest), and the use of English as a living language (for socialize, making jokes, understand unfamiliar subject, understand the subtlty of the language in social context.)

3. I think the Yew Chung kids generally have no problem using English in learning and in class related subjects. They can comminicate with the teachers well. And if you believe the examples I am going to provide below are representative, then Yew Chung kids' English is way above average in the upper primary.

4. I do think most kids had problem using English as a living language, simply because of their home environment do not provide for that. I feel that my kids' social circles are somewhat limited, because not many of their friends can fully appreciate the little jokes and small talks in English. If you have studied overseas, you may understand my point here better - many Chinese studying in overseas universities can write good essay for homework purpose, but having big problem socialize with the natives.

5. I never really tried to compare Yew Chung with Band-1 schools. If I cared, I would have sent my kids to Band-1 school from Day 1. But having say that.... I do think my kids have a great learning experience, and learning no less than kids in Band-1 local school. Few examples follow.

6. Yew Chung has been sending their upper primary kids to a competition in the last 3 years (or more.) Last year, there were 70,000 kids of 3 age groups in Hong Kong and the mainland participated in the compitition in 3 subjects. Yew Chung kids scored substantially higher than average. The school was quite proud of this that they are still posting the result at the entrance to the basement office at Upper Primary. My 10-year old scored very high (top 0.2% in English among the 70000 kids, top 0.5% in science, top 5% in math) and was invited to an award presentation. There were about 400 kids (including kids from Beijing and other mainland cities) in the award presentation, and I believe the only school that has more kids than Yew Chung made it to the top-400 was DGS. I saw a few names from KG5 and other ESF schools. Yew Chung has about 10 kids in the top-400. Yew Chung did not prepare the kids for the competition before hand. Last year they told the parents about the competition and told the parents not to do anything special. This year, they did not even bother to tell the parents about the competition. I learned from my kid that she took the tests few days ago. So this is a true test of what the kids know, not how well they prepared.

7. One of my friend has his 10-year old son in a very presitigous "old brand" school. Out of fun I asked a copy of his son's math test paper. My kid has no problem completing the test within the time limit. So at least in my kid's case, she is not behind local band-1 in math.

8. There is a competition among international schools in Hong Kong called Battle of the Books (BOB.) Last year was Yew Chung's first year joining the competition, and they did really well. They lost in the first round to the school that has been the grand champion for the last 5 years. Yew Chung lost by 2 points 82 to 84, and each complete answer was worth 3 points. That means the margin was less than 1 question. I imagine if the order of the questions change a bit, Yew Chung may have won. But for me, the highlight of this competition was not the narrow defeat to the former grand champion. During the competition, two questions were disqualified after being challenged. One challenge was raised by the teacher from another school, and the other challenge was raised by a Yew Chung kid. I was very happy that the kid was very confident and not afraid to challenge the authority.

Last but not the least, the school your kid goes is an important but far from the most critical factor in your kid's education. The most critical factor is the parents. So don't expect the school to do everything for you.

gst725 寫道:
Hi m.(x3),

Are your kids speaking good English as natives. I rang the YC Primary Admissions Office last week. A lady told me that 95% there are local students in the Primary section and most of the students speak English only when talking to their English teachers. Is it true? Are your kids having academical pressure so as the traditional schools or you think they are learning happily? How are their academic achievement in YC compare to Band 1 local schools? We are now applying P1 for our daughter to start in this September. Still picking a school that can constitute her self confidence as well to provide a happy learning atmosphere with good academic achievement. Thanks very much for your further comments.

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