Summer | 2007-03-11 23:41 |
為甚麼是六班不是兩班?? |
NichoB | 2007-03-12 10:52 |
My boy told me - SPORT DAY tomorrow!!! He did mental and dictation today and he has joined BEAN BAGS Games . This afternoon, we play football and badminton for practice. All boys love to kick the football coz they likes running. They play police and theif at school playground everyday. 9 students want to be a police and 1 student pretented a theif. Hahha! :-) :-) |
Elsamouse | 2007-03-13 10:36 |
咁多位,早晨 我囝宜家讀kv k2呀,套pe服就黎唔arm,佢宜家106cm高,唔知各位媽咪有冇pe服可以俾我地"循環再著"呀? :pint: |
GloriaBB | 2007-03-13 16:02 |
Quote: Summer 寫道: 為甚麼是六班不是兩班?? 唔知喎!會唔會同K.2 一齊呢?咁咪大"蝦"細。 :wth: |
annienorman | 2007-03-14 07:53 |
Can anyone tell me the name of the Headmistress of Kentville? Thank you! |
mcheung | 2007-03-14 09:47 |
Headmistress A. Leung Quote: annienorman 寫道: Can anyone tell me the name of the Headmistress of Kentville? Thank you! |
yanyanbee | 2007-03-14 11:19 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
annienorman | 2007-03-14 12:15 |
各根德園家長: 小兒性格活潑好動,應該是坐唔定類型,他學習能力OK,很快學曉, 雖然本人很鍾意KV的程度,但很 |
LuLeung | 2007-03-15 12:34 |
annienorman 唔駛担心我個囡都係坐唔定,當初好似你一樣諗法,就係佢坐唔定我先至揾KV比佢讀,因為KV真係教得好好.話禁快又小一了. |
Gordon_No_4 | 2007-03-15 14:03 |
Quote: annienorman 寫道: 各根德園家長: 小兒性格活潑好動,應該是坐唔定類型,他學習能力OK,很快學曉, 雖然本人很鍾意KV的程度,但很 |