*新希望* | 2008-09-30 14:25 |
http://www.ha.org.hk/kch/adhd/study.html Quote:原帖由 angelsue 於 08-9-28 18:22 發表 當懷疑孩子是專注力不足,可否由兒科医生做評估,多謝回答 |
路人(甲) | 2008-10-05 15:49 |
hi, 各位同路人 請問你地小朋友睇開邊位兒科精神科醫生呢? 收費貴唔貴呢? 幾耐睇一次? 可唔可以介紹比我呢???(十萬火急...急....急....) 唔該晒~~~~:kissyou: |
Kellyaugust2004 | 2008-10-08 21:49 |
路人(甲) u can find a list here www.hksp.com.hk pls check pm. Quote:原帖由 路人(甲) 於 08-10-5 15:49 發表 hi, 各位同路人 請問你地小朋友睇開邊位兒科精神科醫生呢? 收費貴唔貴呢? 幾耐睇一次? 可唔可以介紹比我呢???(十萬火急...急....急....) 唔該晒~~~~:kissyou: ... |
小彬女 | 2008-10-09 11:54 |
新學年又新既開始, 升上小四之後問題好像越來越嚴重, 投訴越來越多, 我已經係有心無力, 就算係學校訓導主任都完全漠視, 呢頭講完轉頭已經煙消雲散, 藥已經加了, 但起不了作用. 曾經好多人同我講過, 大d 會自然好d, 但我好像甚麼都見不到. 我明白好多時侯係因為環境因素影響佢, 但問題都要自己去思考, 做左之後既結果, 但佢完全覺得係冇任何問題.................唉, 我都唔知再可以講咩, 方法我已經用盡. |
bblam0203 | 2008-10-13 00:24 |
77777 , 煩請看pm. 謝. |
bblam0203 | 2008-10-13 00:58 |
露絲及Matthew媽,煩請看pm |
irenenghm | 2008-10-13 16:56 |
hi Kelly, 評估中心啱啱話我個仔有專注力不足同過度活躍, 我想帶佢去私家睇下, 麻煩你pm埋資料比我呀! thx Quote:原帖由 Kellyaugust2004 於 08-10-8 21:49 發表 路人(甲) u can find a list here www.hksp.com.hk pls check pm. |
Natronma | 2008-10-14 13:55 |
各位媽咪 我個仔12歲, 69磅, 食緊Concerta 27mg, 有冇人可以話我知呢份量係多定少? |
路人(甲) | 2008-10-15 00:53 |
PM:question: 我收唔倒呀, 麻煩你再pm多一次呀:funny: Quote:原帖由 Kellyaugust2004 於 08-10-8 09:49 PM 發表 路人(甲) u can find a list here www.hksp.com.hk pls check pm. |
mrsphcheung | 2008-10-15 09:54 |
Dear all, My son, 8 years old and 58 lbs, has taken Ritalin since January 2008. The dosage is 5 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon. He attends half day school. The effect is very good. He can manage everything at school and his academic performance is satisfactory. However, he has a little bit of TIC now. What should I do? Should I stop the medicine or switch to other brand names? P.S. My son's problem is bad behaviour (but under control), moving all the time, talkative and not attentive. After taking the medicine, he can function his best and there is no complain from the school. I have cut the afternoon dosage even though it is very difficult to manage his attention problem. CAN ANY EXPERIENCED MUM SHARE HER EXPERIENCE OR OPINION WITH ME? THOUSANDS OF THANKS. |