claudi-mama | 2007-03-21 18:01 |
請問是否復活節前做評估?? Quote: mcheung 寫道: 係快要評估!! 笫一天 : 數及常識 笫二天 : 英 笫三天 : 中 Quote: lemon 寫道: 各位K3家長, 請問是否將要評估?可否告知中,英,數及常識評估時間? 心心媽 |
claudi-mama | 2007-03-21 18:09 |
NichoB | 2007-03-23 10:07 |
I think teachers have enough training at school. Now, we think above the Holiday. When can we go ? Anyone want to go to take cable 360 and book a lunch in Po Lin Temple? :hammer: |
lemon | 2007-03-23 13:38 |
Dear mcheung, Thank you very very much!! 請問評估時間表是否每班一樣? 我個囡成日矇查查, 真係俾佢激親.... |
CI | 2007-03-23 13:43 |
Hi 各位mama, 小兒今年9月將會就讀k1, 正如之前的媽媽所講,阿仔係超級好動,係咪應該比佢入kv 好d呢? 有朋友的意見係小朋友"谷"得便choose kv...但我都唔係好sure會唔會令佢驚左返學....請指教 :adore: :adore: 我現在只有這個憂慮...我都好想阿仔讀kv.因為好認同在幼稚園打好基礎.. 同埋有冇需要再去學英文呢? :adore: |
HORSEHEADS | 2007-03-23 14:11 |
Don't worry! It is because KV has its way to train their kids, I am sure you won't be regret to send your son there. I am quite satisfy with staff train my daughter since she is able to finish all homework and study on her own without any pressure. In fact, I know of many Primary schools lilke to accept KV students because KV kids are well trained and disciplien. :-D |
CI | 2007-03-23 14:49 |
Quote: HORSEHEADS 寫道: Don't worry! It is because KV has its way to train their kids, I am sure you won't be regret to send your son there. I am quite satisfy with staff train my daughter since she is able to finish all homework and study on her own without any pressure. In fact, I know of many Primary schools lilke to accept KV students because KV kids are well trained and disciplien. :-D Dear Horseheads, Thank you so much. Does your daughter study English outside? Does she love to go to school? |
mcheung | 2007-03-23 19:43 |
唔只每班一樣, 係每年都一樣.......... ;-) Quote: lemon 寫道: Dear mcheung, Thank you very very much!! 請問評估時間表是否每班一樣? 我個囡成日矇查查, 真係俾佢激親.... |
HORSEHEADS | 2007-03-24 13:20 |
Yes!!! She loves go to school very much!!! KV teach kids do their homework on their own. I think parents are sometime over protected their kids of doing something they think are difficult. Please don't under estimate your kid, he might do more than you can expect! My daughter is a K3 student now and I can see she can adopt the primary life without much problem since KV teach her to be independent and do thing on her own. Of course, you can not expect the school do everything for your kid, you have work with your kid at the same time. |
CI | 2007-03-24 15:18 |
Dear Horseheads, Thank you for your sharing. I know what should I do now...thanks a lot. :adore: :adore: Hope that your daughter will enjoy her school life in the new school. :-P |