kyliema2006 | 2006-11-06 11:33 |
Dear Venice, 若孩子習慣在書本上找答案,可能他未必適應蔡繼有的功課。尤其是英語,功課根本無跡可尋,要填英文生字的字首或字尾,是容易或是困難,真是見仁見智。 就好像學校本pictionary要跟住唱orangutan, toucan... 講真,我真係唔知佢地係乜東東,但係小兒喜歡動物,他就可以應付得來。祇知道,因為平日多讀課外書,在潛移默化之下,他就有所吸收。 慢慢來吧,新的遊戲規則始終要時間適應的。 |
venice121 | 2006-11-06 22:36 |
Hi all parents, Thank you for all of your advice. I will wait and see how is it going? :roll: |
curry123 | 2006-11-06 22:52 |
Hi parents, In my case, my son can finish at least half of his homework before he comes home. I don't know the other classes. But my son has homework daily. Usually one or two. It seems that he reads a lot of poems and stories to me. But for the written work, the amount is acceptable. |
pc528 | 2006-11-08 10:42 |
各位好, 如考插班是否要考低一級呢? |
kyliema2006 | 2006-11-08 13:42 |
Dear pc528, 你條問題是非常難答的,我相信祇有很少數家長遇到同樣問題。學校接受插班生,應該會考慮其性格、學業、語言等因素,選擇低一級能否突顯其所長,而令到學校接受呢?相信没有定案。但以我所知的插班生是不需要選讀低一級的。 |
pc528 | 2006-11-08 14:30 |
Dear Kyliema2006, 謝謝你的意見! 因為學校之間課程不同, 有些學校如DBS小學英文是比外出高一級, 我不知蔡繼友是否一樣? :-o |
kyliema2006 | 2006-11-08 18:38 |
Dear pc528, 程度會否高一級,哈哈,都是很難答。因為蔡繼有以「圖書教學」,不會有特定教科書,所以不能與其它傳統學校比較課程的程度。但若問學生程度如何,就頗為參差了。以小兒為例,班中的英文普遍很強(因為差不多全是來自英文幼稚園或國際學校),中文相反就比較弱了。其它科目如何,中規中矩吧! 此乃純粹個人意見,不能以偏概全。 |
cky2006 | 2006-11-08 22:11 |
Hi Venice Parents observation day will be held on 21/11. Will you go? Also, we can go to meet the instructment class teacher during her class time. |
shoezoo | 2006-11-09 01:01 |
Quote: kyliema2006 寫道: Dear Norwegian, CKY is a non-commercial school, and the principal said most of the school fee spends on teacher retention, so the school fee is still comparatively lower than other international schools. Besides of school fees, other fees include meal, school bus, field trip.... The average monthly spend is about HKD6K-HKD7K. Regards. 6,000 - 7000 per month, so expensive? So altogether, including school fee, is > HK$10,000 per month :-? Any more details? Thanks! |
kyliema2006 | 2006-11-09 09:03 |
Dear shoezoo, School fee is HKD4,200. After including school bus fee, meal fee, musical instruments ..., the average spending is about HKD6K-HKD7K per month. Regards. |