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Money媽 | 2008-10-22 09:29
Dear Kellyaugust2004

Please kindly Pm the doctor's information to me. thank you


Quote:原帖由 Kellyaugust2004 於 08-9-11 23:29 發表

if your financial status is okay, i suggest u to go to visit the private Psy. Dr asap. it charged from $600 - $1xxx per visit. if u need the Dr. info, u can let me know.

otherwise, do you con ...

Kellyaugust2004 | 2008-10-22 12:25

sent out already, pls check .

Quote:原帖由 Money媽 於 08-10-22 09:29 發表
Dear Kellyaugust2004

Please kindly Pm the doctor's information to me. thank you


chanpa | 2008-10-23 01:48
Quote:原帖由 mrsphcheung 於 08-10-21 20:16 發表
Dear Chanpa,
Thanks for your sharing. I want to know whether somebody is taking Strattra here in Hong Kong. This medicine is much better than Ratilin, much long-lasting and it does not cause negativ ...

I am not sure Strattra. The proper way is to ask the Psychiatrist. I hear another kind of drug is total different from Ratlin. First, you have to take two weeks and this drug started to be effect.

Personally, taking drug is just slow down his action with side effect. The useful way is to attend 理盧幼慈's course so as to teach you the behavioural modification for your ADHD child. The three-day workshop is perfect. You can benefit from this course even if you are not professional but a housewife.
Money媽 | 2008-10-23 10:56
Dear Kellyaugust2004

唔好意思, 我想問吓係唔係個個星期都要見doctor ? 如果係, 都幾貴

Thank you
Kellyaugust2004 | 2008-10-23 12:05
as far as i know, it start from a week, then once for two weeks, then once a month. of coz no need to visit every week

Quote:原帖由 Money媽 於 08-10-23 10:56 發表
Dear Kellyaugust2004

唔好意思, 我想問吓係唔係個個星期都要見doctor ? 如果係, 都幾貴

Thank you

MdmFung | 2008-10-23 16:53
Good to share...

Tips from How to Help Your Child with Homework
Set goals with not for your child. Then focus on one at a time.
Make your child aware of his or her improvement. Reward achievement.
Direct praise to the task at hand.
Try not to show disappointment if your child doesn't do as well as you'd like.
Be enthusiastic. Show humor.
Be prepared to teach as well as help.
Use concrete, hands-on materials whenever possible, especially with younger children.
Help your child build associations between what she knows and what she is learning.
Provide adequate practice to facilitate overlearning.
Provide variety. Switch from one subject to another and take breaks to keep up attention.
Encourage creative thinking. This is an opportunity your child may not be getting at school.
Encourage independence.
Take every opportunity to build your child's self-esteem.
Show a positive attitude toward your child's school and teacher. Work with the teacher not against her.

MdmFung | 2008-10-23 17:59
Again, it's good to share..
- info. copy fm web site of "ADD/ADHD In Chinese"



《注意力缺乏過動症(ADHD)》這本由美國國家精神健康研究院 The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) 所出的小冊子,經中山大學附設醫院精神兒童及青少年精神醫學醫療團隊翻譯成中文後,又被「心靈書坊」以電子書方式推出。關心此議題的朋友,可以上網讀一讀,這份小冊子囊括得非常詳盡。


《Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD》booklet

*新希望* | 2008-10-23 18:41
我個仔一年前未排到政府醫院前, 去睇私家醫生, 比阿仔試食 strattra (話24小時有效喎), 不過醫生講明, strattra 尼隻藥唔係即時見效的, 好似起碼 3個月以上才知對小朋友有無效, 要 d 藥儲埋儲埋架! 阿仔食左 3個月 strattra 都無咩特別, 跟住排到政府醫院, 就轉左食 ritalin 啦!!

strattra 好貴呀, 睇私家醫生每次 $1000 半小時診金, strattra 藥費每粒 @$25蚊!! 不過好處就唔影響胃口!!

唔知其他人食 strattra 有無好效果呢?

Quote:原帖由 chanpa 於 08-10-23 01:48 發表

I am not sure Strattra. The proper way is to ask the Psychiatrist. I hear another kind of drug is total different from Ratlin. First, you have to take two weeks and this drug started to be effect ...

ioi624 | 2008-10-24 01:11
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Kellyaugust2004 | 2008-10-24 10:44

thanks for your sharing, as far as you know, any 行為治療 suggested (where)?


Quote:原帖由 ioi624 於 08-10-24 01:11 發表
其實我都好明白家長對小朋友既擔心,不過真係要小心留意用藥既分量,唔好加得太重,有時見醫生佢地通常只會問家長小朋友既情況,唔理想就加藥,佢地未必真正了解實況,唔係真係用藥壓制佢地情緒就可以,而且會有好多副作用,反而行為 ...

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