Masako | 2007-04-18 23:19 |
kwinghei, tks! Quote: Kwinghei 寫道: yes, from 5:00pm to 11:00 pm Quote: Masako 寫道: Kwinghei, 係咪夜晚先去架? |
Kwinghei | 2007-04-19 09:59 |
sorry , the time should be from 5:00pm to 10:00pm Quote: Masako 寫道: kwinghei, tks! Quote: Kwinghei 寫道: yes, from 5:00pm to 11:00 pm Quote: Masako 寫道: Kwinghei, 係咪夜晚先去架? |
NichoB | 2007-04-20 22:35 |
Summer , we are planing to create a primary pre-learning group. Let's find some u-grad teacher to teach them grammer and writing stories. Do you want to join us. Sch fee around $9xx per month From Mon - Fri. 90 min per lesson. Prefer start in May , at TKO. Looking for classmates 2-4 person goup study. (suitable for KTS, SFA, GT, GH, SJC...) Dictation, Mental, Reading, Pre-Primary One/Two Execises. He likes to go ClearBay Beach on sunday afternoon and want to see any accompanies. To build sands caslte , constuction , digging, football. swimming. 1 May 1pm - 4pm , Beach Party. Bring sandwiches, salad and fish drinks... :-) :-) :-) If interested parties, pls pm to me. :pint: Have a nice day! |
寶貝豬豬媽咪 | 2007-04-23 10:18 |
各位媽咪, 大家知唔知係咪可以換季喇? 我把神經刀琴晚bedtime 先同我講話要著夏季校服! thanks! |
mcheung | 2007-04-23 11:51 |
係呀!!可以換季喇............最遲5月1日要換晒季tim ;-) Quote: 寶貝豬豬媽咪 寫道: 各位媽咪, 大家知唔知係咪可以換季喇? 我把神經刀琴晚bedtime 先同我講話要著夏季校服! thanks! |
cutiemo | 2007-04-24 08:58 |
NichoB, Pls check PM. Thanks cutiemo |
NichoB | 2007-04-24 20:50 |
Want to sell house - no commission Near MTR, and Evangle Colledge 2bedrooms with full decoration High level with swimming pool, garden, BBQ , carpark area, high eff. 都會 |
heiheihoney | 2007-04-25 12:48 |
由 Kwinghei 於 2007-04-18 21:40:10 I want to arrange another trip in late June, does anyone interested in it, that is a trip named " 當星星遇上螢火蟲" (details : date maybe on 23/6 or 30/6. (time :5:00pm to 10:00pm) i will make an application if more than 50 people join it. people 1. Kwing hei.........3D...........2 2. Nicky...............3S...........3 3. twinsmother....3E............6 date : 23/6 4. Alison..............3D............3 5 Lam Lam .....................2 6 J. Sum .............3C .......4 |
JoyceWong | 2007-04-25 18:02 | people 1. Kwing hei.........3D...........2 2. Nicky...............3S...........3 3. twinsmother....3E............6 date : 23/6 4. Alison..............3D............3 5 Lam Lam .....................2 6 J. Sum .............3C .......4 7. Sam & Angel.....3J&1F...4 |
Karinachu | 2007-04-27 14:52 |
Hello, 您們的小朋友是否已去了香港博物館?我囡囡班昨天去了參觀, 大家都很開心。 :-P |