tsztsz | 2007-04-27 17:23 |
我囡囡話30/4(一)去參觀,我想問果日要帶咩? |
lemon | 2007-04-27 18:54 |
My daughter has also visited on Thursday. Do you know if there is anything to followup? like project, report, etc..? My girl always "mo cha cha"... |
mcheung | 2007-04-27 23:43 |
我亞囝班都係30/4 (Mon)去參觀, 佢淨係話要穿P.E.校服, 無特別話要帶咩喎............. ;-) Quote: tsztsz 寫道: 我囡囡話30/4(一)去參觀,我想問果日要帶咩? |
tiffanycyk | 2007-04-28 03:45 |
請問默書攞過最少幾多分? under 60分? |
Karinachu | 2007-04-28 09:59 |
tiffanycyk, 我囡囡試過英文默書漏了2個arrow.所以只得90分. mcheung & tsztsz, 我囡囡話到博物館只是玩2小時, 不需要特別攜帶任何東西, 回校時才食茶點及去washroom, 但到博物館參觀時, 他們有脫鞋, 所以小朋友要認得自己對鞋呀! :-P |
mcheung | 2007-04-29 15:59 |
Karinachu thank you............ ;-) |
0002 | 2007-05-01 00:54 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
NichoB | 2007-05-02 21:35 |
Chinese Dictation Today. English Dictation Tomorrow. opposite: happy-sad , ..., New words: glass, knife, fork ... I need SFA dictation sys, anyone have it? Pls email to [email protected] |
Kwinghei | 2007-05-03 06:50 |
當星星遇上螢火蟲活動 日期 2007-06-23 (星期六) 活動時間 17:00 至 22:30 (should be earlier) fee: $250 per adult / $230 per child (with transportation) (min: 30 persons / max: 60 persons) 內容 立體星象館體驗 製作活動星圖 製作孔明燈 小白鷺餐廳晚餐 白鷺湖天文台觀星 夜間生態探索 燃放孔明燈 hi dear all moms, the staff of the centre has quoted the price to me, i feel quite expensive, so i want to get some suggestion from all of u. Are u all still willing to join this trip ? Or we can have a party in a funtion room of my club house (should be on 24/6), the charge should be between $100-150/ person. So please give comments. Quote: Please email details (child's name, class, no. of persons, tel number and email address) to me at [email protected] 當星星遇上螢火蟲活動 (23/6) .......name...........class.....no.of people 1. Kwing hei.........3D...........2 2. Nicky...............3S...........3 3. twinsmother....3E............6 date : 23/6 4. Alison..............3D............3 5 Lam Lam .....................2 6 J. Sum .............3C .......4 7. Sam & Angel.....3J&1F...4 8. Nic Mui.............3G ............3 ............................................................................. Please email details (child's name, class, no. of persons, tel number and email address) to me at [email protected] Party in club house (kln tong) (24/6) name ............class........no. of people 1.kwing hei.....3C.............2 |
lemontrees | 2007-05-03 18:43 |
It is quite expensive. |