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kyliema2006 | 2006-11-17 10:31
Dear fatherho,

Maybe I miss it, I got the name of books published by Nat Geo, what is the name of the books published by Peking University Press. Please advise. Thanks.
father_ho | 2006-11-17 11:29
Dear kyliema,

Sorry may be it make it confused, both series is joinly published by Nat. Geo. and Peking Univ. Press. Actually, National Geo. published lots of books which is hard to read for non-native speaker, some by themself and some joinly done though different Press, I found these series are just suitable for Pri. and sec. student. The titles are as belows:

(14 books) A-series
國家地理英語閱讀與寫作訓練叢書 北京大學
Communication Around the World 全球傳播 $20.00
Cultures and Celebrations 文化與慶典 $20.00
Immigration To The United States 美國移民 $20.00
Inventions Bring Change 發明改變生活 $20.00
Providing Goods 商品供給 $20.00
Trade Across Time and Cultures 跨時間和文化的貿易 $20.00
Using Earth's Resources 利用地球資源 $20.00
Animals in Their Habitats 動物栖息地 $20.00
Cells at Work 細胞在工作 $20.00
Energy 能量 $20.00
Extreme Weather 極端的天氣 $20.00
Life Cycles 生命周期 $20.00
Shaping Earth's Surface 地表形態的塑造 $20.00
Using Simple Machine 簡單機械 $20.00

(18 books) B-series
國家地理學生英語主題閱讀訓練叢書 北京大學
1 Superdome 超級穹頂 16.80
2 From Tree to Me 樹木與人 16.80
3 Grand Canyon 大峽谷 16.80
4 Volcanoes 火山噴發 16.80
5 Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone 貝爾與電話 16.80
6 Exploring Tide Pools 潮池探奇 16.80
7 My Town at Work 我的小鎮 16.80
8 Climbing Mount Everest 珠峰探險 16.80
9 Divers of the Deep Sea 深海潛水員 16.80
10 Meet Jane Goodall 珍妮.古多爾與黑猩猩 16.80
11 My Balloon Ride 熱氣球之旅 16.80
12 Changes All Around Us 變化無處不在 16.80
13 Glass 玻璃 16.80
14 Amazing Ants 神奇的螞蟻 16.80
15 Animal Records 動物之最 16.80
16 Appalachian Trail 阿巴拉契亞山道 16.80
17 Birthstones 誕生石 16.80
18 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 16.80

I know both series are adopted by some secondary schools as reader in Hong Kong but I can't find the B-series cover in net(since it was published on 4-2006). Also, you can order(they have sample but not complete series) through the below bookshop in Hong Kong:

電話︰2398-0808 / 傳真︰2398-9802

It is a great series in suitable level with great photos which will attract(you actually me) your kids to read through it. I am sure your kids will benefit from it.
yeenmama | 2006-11-17 13:21
(Copied from another post.)

Here are the details of National Geographics - Windows on Literacy and NG Theme Set.

Actually you may find more information and the differences between 2 different sets of book on the official website of National geographics.

Click here - National Geographic School Publishing

国家地理学生英语主题阅读训练丛书National Geographic - Window on Literacy
Maman2001 | 2006-11-17 14:19
Hi Voasia,

Would you please pm me your link and pw.

Many thanks.
Helloleung | 2006-11-17 16:40
hi Voasia

would you also pm your link and password to me at [email protected]

voasia | 2006-11-17 18:41
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CYCmama | 2006-11-17 18:50
Thanks father_ho and yeenmama. Your recommendation looks very impressive.

Father_ho, do you mean both series are now available in the giant book store recently opened in Shenzhen? From vsvt.com, only the National Theme sets is available but not the Window on Literacy. :cry: Regarding the book shop in Mongkok, I have called them up and it seems that price is significantly high comparing to what you quoted (even I take into account the adm. cost and the layer of profit they have to earn).

Yeenmama, you mentioned that the Window on Literacy series is now available on DD. BTW, what's mean by DD? :oops:

See, the books you recommended is so fantastic that I cannot help searching for them at once.
ctm | 2006-11-17 21:13
Hi, Voasia

Could you also pm to me. Thank you very much.

yeenmama | 2006-11-17 21:26
Hi CYCmama,

DD = www.dangdang.com

This is an online bookstore in mainland china. You may order the books online and they accept orders from HK as well.

The delivery charge to HK = $30 (basic charge ) + $1 per item.

For details, please take a look at the discussion under 好書分享:


There are lots of good English books or s.chinese books.

CYCmama 寫道:
Thanks father_ho and yeenmama. Your recommendation looks very impressive.

Father_ho, do you mean both series are now available in the giant book store recently opened in Shenzhen? From vsvt.com, only the National Theme sets is available but not the Window on Literacy. :cry: Regarding the book shop in Mongkok, I have called them up and it seems that price is significantly high comparing to what you quoted (even I take into account the adm. cost and the layer of profit they have to earn).

Yeenmama, you mentioned that the Window on Literacy series is now available on DD. BTW, what's mean by DD? :oops:

See, the books you recommended is so fantastic that I cannot help searching for them at once.

father_ho | 2006-11-17 23:47
Dear CYCmama,

I went to the new shenshen bookstore (not the old one) last sunday and I purchased most of the books but in different place within the shop(both two series). The remaining books I just found several days ago in Mongkok bookstore which I quoted before. I just visited the Mongkok bookstore this afternoon and still found the books with same price (of course not the complete series). I suggest you to visit the store once to see if you are actually interested and the saleman actually quoted what you want.

Thanks and hope you enjoy,
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