Thanks a lot for your information. It is very clear and detailed. Your story is also very touching and TRUE. Thank you very much for your sharing.
My son is now taking care by a auntie and we pick him up after work on weekdays. If we join the 輔導班, we of course can pick him up after work on normal days. However, no one takes care him in the long holidays. It is very difficult to ask for the auntie just taking care my son during long holidays like Christmas, LNY, Easter and summer vocation. She needs to find another replacement as it is her income. So trouble! I am 15/16 to join the tutor class and still thinking about this.
Let's us keep in touch.
Quote:原帖由 loveyouy2k 於 09-2-26 15:03 發表 
你好~~ 真鐸學校每年開學初期會接受有需要的家長報名學校的功輔班和托管班。 如小朋友的家長都要工作,而又沒有親人可幫忙接放學, 可向學校申請功輔/托管。不過這些都是名額有限,和學校接收到所有家長申請後會進行 ...
[ 本帖最後由 yanyan-fish 於 09-2-27 14:22 編輯 ]