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cwaisum | 2015-07-11 08:31
今年謝師宴第一次在城大舉行(我還是喜歡以前在學校舉行的晚宴),雖然某些檯的位置看不到舞台,但也不要無損同學的熱誠投入。 看著一個一個的小伙子,由一年級傻乎乎的樣子,已經搖身一變成為活力充沛的年青人,非常感動。 昨日的晚宴的每一個環節,大部份都是由同學一手包辦,無論是接待,司儀,遊戲,電腦ppt……真是厲害,表現未必是最出色,但看到同學的努力和創意,已經值得一讚。 所有真鐸畢業的同學,升到中學後也要加油呀,不要辜負母校對們的栽培和期望。 :good:

connielam | 2015-07-11 10:02
回覆 cwaisum 的帖子 I also very appreciate what the graduated students prepared and presented last night. I believe they put much effort and heart in the graduation banquet. The banquet last night was touching, warm, full of joy and full of thankful heart. Graduate students love Chun Tok School and their classmates.

My daughter and I heartfully thank Ms. Lai (Principal), Ms. Ching (VP), teachers and school workers of Chun Tok School. They taught students with love, care and encouragement. My daughter and her classmates studied and grew happily. I really thank God and feel touch that my daughter studied in Chuk Tok school for 6 years.

Although my daughter graduates, my daughter and I will still keep in touch with the school.

cwaisum | 2015-07-11 10:26
Quote:原帖由 connielam 於 15-07-11 發表
回覆 cwaisum 的帖子 I also very appreciate what the graduated students prepared and presented last ...

麥兜MaMa | 2015-07-13 13:54
仔9月小一, 祈待迎接帥兄帥姐般開心快樂的小學生涯:iloveit:
麥兜MaMa | 2015-07-13 14:10
仔昨天超0去了open day 玩. 有些老帥已認得佢:wahaha:
daisyox | 2015-07-16 09:16
我個女都係9 月升小一,希望佢都在咁愉快既環境下學習及成長!
ManMan918 | 2015-09-22 11:15

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