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che | 2007-07-14 21:58
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popuimami | 2007-07-14 22:23
Charlotte_mom 你好犀利呀, 解釋得好清楚, 講真, 我都要睇咗bk媽咪d講解成年先明白個遊戲規則, 可能有些媽咪同我一樣, 起初唔係好明津貼同直資的分別, 直資比人錯覺以為係政府直接資助, 以為就直資=津貼, 有得自行決定 收生, 其實原來係政府以學校收幾多人來決定津貼幾多錢.
Quote:原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-7-14 18:53 發表
咩呀, 我都係c9咋:-) :-)
你咁俾機會我, 我又講下啦!
新手家長, 可以參考下以下網頁: [url]http://chsc.edb.hkedcity.net/primary/ 有晒政府"小一入學統籌辦法", 及各區學校名單
你會見到小學分為"官立/津貼/私立 ...

anxiousparent | 2007-07-14 22:38
Quote:原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-7-14 18:53 發表
咩呀, 我都係c9咋:-) :-)
你咁俾機會我, 我又講下啦!
新手家長, 可以參考下以下網頁: [url]http://chsc.edb.hkedcity.net/primary/ 有晒政府"小一入學統籌辦法", 及各區學校名單
你會見到小學分為"官立/津貼/私立 ...

O No. You are the glory and cream of all C9s. I hope that all the C9's typing on BK can be as knowledgeable as you, and there will be no more people spreading nonsense like "this KG is good in allocating students to this aided/government school".
Charlotte_mom | 2007-07-14 22:47
咪玩啦:hammer: 講專業, 呢度大把人專業過我啦! :oops:
Quote:原文章由 anxiousparent 於 07-7-14 22:38 發表

O No. You are the glory and cream of all C9s. I hope that all the C9's typing on BK can be as knowledgeable as you, and there will be no more people spreading nonsense like "this KG is good ...

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