| 2006-09-13 15:01 |
我囡囡1D班,搭11號媬母車! 希望識多D家長,大家交流一吓囡囡喺學校嘅情況。 今日佢第一日返學,我都請咗假陪佢!我囡囡有D內向,好易喊,昨天她還很擔心抄唔切黑板...今日放學等咗佢成個鐘校車先到,我幾擔心佢會喊,好彩返到屋企,佢個樣好開心,抄手冊仲俾老師寫咗Very Good! |
Naughtymom | 2006-09-13 15:40 |
我囡讀1B。Nice to meet you here. 呢度都有個媽咪個囡囡讀1D架。 今朝我囡話去完洗手間返課室,成身濕晒。 :cry: Quote: W&EMOM 寫道: 我囡囡1D班,搭11號媬母車! 希望識多D家長,大家交流一 |
| 2006-09-14 16:34 |
Naughtymom, Nice to talk to you! I always read your sharings with others here. I'm happy that our daughters can study in such a good school. I was very impressed by the induction given by the Principal and other teahcers on 8 September. |
bbqueen | 2006-09-14 18:18 |
Hi Naughtymom 請問p1 有幾多班? 每班有幾多人ar? 你地第幾 round 抽中ga? 有冇D classmates 係 kln 黎讀ga? Thanks! |
| 2006-09-15 23:22 |
P1有4班,每班都有接近40人。我係第二輪幸運地抽中,都擔心咗成年。我有同事抽唔中,結果派到好後的志願。 |
| 2006-09-15 23:30 |
請問有無P.1D班的家長? 今日數學要做功課Do Number Exercise,囡囡最初話搵唔到,後來又話在堂上做完老師收咗,又話其實佢未做完喎,請問有無家長可以幫幫忙? Thanks. |
nicmother | 2006-09-16 12:47 |
W&EMOM, Hi my girl is in P.1D also. I also don't know what mean by Do number Exercise... we have not started figuring out what that mean.. I will ask my girl today. BTW, I just wonder can my girl wear apron for lunch? I am worrying that she will make her school uniform dirty.. We lived in Kowloon and take No. 2 school bus. The bus pick her up at around 7:05 in the morning |
Mrsleaf | 2006-09-16 14:55 |
請問你係點填甲部同乙部才被抽中嫁? 我個女而家讀緊k1, 想搜集定資料, 謝謝幫忙! Quote: W&EMOM 寫道: P1有4班,每班都有接近40人。我係第二輪幸運地抽中,都擔心咗成年。我有同事抽唔中,結果派到好後的志願。 |
| 2006-09-16 17:26 |
nicmother, Nice talking to you. My daughter just said the Number Exercise is just '運動' because they did not have PE lesson in the Hall and the teacher taught them Number Excercise ??? Please see if your daughter said the same. If you live in Kowloon and the school bus pick-up time is 7:05 am, it is not bad because the pick-up time in Fortress Hill is 7:10 am. Thanks. |
SK1 | 2006-09-16 20:45 |
nicmother & W&EMOM My daughter said the number exercise is just some kind of body's moment. Not writing. P.S. I live in Hong Kong side, but the nanny bus picking up time is 6:38 am. :-( Your daughters are so lucky. |